DNA samples taken from Loan’s parents: what it means for the case

María Luisa Noguera and José Peña, parents of Loan
María Luisa Noguera and José Peña, parents of Loan

Last Sunday, Two doctors from the Corrientes Forensic Medical Corps took DNA samples from José Peña and María Luisa Noguera, Loan Danilo Peña’s parents., the boy who disappeared in Corrientes 13 days ago. They did it by swabbing their cheeks, an extraction of malar mucosa, a standard procedure to recover genetic material for comparisons. The study was carried out by order of prosecutors Juan Castillo and Guillermo Barry, the original investigators of the case. The evidence is in custody at the UFRAC, the Case Reception and Analysis Unit of the MPF in Corrientes, in the provincial capital.

He timing of the expertise, which consists of the list of 52 tests that Castillo and Barry listed to prepare the closure of your file and to which you accessed Infobaedraws attention on two fronts. First, It happens not hours after the disappearance was reported, but hours after the provincial prosecutors sent the case to federal jurisdiction.for a possible act of human trafficking.

Also, it is surprising because today, the federal prosecutors in the case, with Mariano de Guzmán, the PROTEX in charge of Alejandra Mangano and Marcelo Colombo and Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo, They rethink the investigation from scratch, which includes the possibility of murder.

Finding Loan alive, safe and sound, would require genetic testing to rule out doubts about his identity. It would take him even more to find him lifeless.forensic experts and police detectives accustomed to solving homicides agree, with the chance of a partial discovery of remains without the possibility of identification, for example, fingerprints. Peña and Noguera are not currently charged with any crime.

The video of the former official and her husband the night after Loan’s disappearance

Thinking of Loan’s disappearance as a possible homicide is not based on one piece of evidence. Trafficking, of course, is not ruled out either. However, PROTEX, so far, still does not have any evidence produced by Castillo and Barry that points to human trafficking.

The case documents sent by Castillo and Barry to PROTEX consist mainly of minutes, records and field work, such as collecting traces. For example, there are no exhaustive telephone tests. The Corrientes prosecutors had announced that they were charging retired marine Carlos Pérez and his partner, former municipal official María Caillava, with trafficking based on the content of evidence on cell phones. PROTEX, for now, has the forensic extraction of Mónica Millapi’s phone, one of the first detainees in the case. There was nothing that indicated evidence of human trafficking in the material analyzed until yesterday in Comodoro Py.

Loan Danilo Peña
Loan Danilo Peña

Studies were found of impacts of the defendants’ cell phone antenna in the area of ​​9 de Julio among the documents received. The federal justice system will seek to deepen this analysiswith a request to the DAJUDECO -the Directorate of Judicial Assistance in Complex Crimes and Organized Crime of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation- to survey all the antennas in the area and determine all the telephones that passed through there.

There is, On the other hand, other ongoing measures ordered in the federal case that are reserved in nature.

Retired sailor Carlos Pérez and his partner, former municipal official María Caillava, they refused to declare, just like Commissioner Walter Maciel, accused of covering them up. Until now, the strongest evidence against him, at least of what was publicly revealed, is Loan’s odorological trail detected by dogs in the couple’s vehicles.

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