Jorge Angel and HP – Rebel Youth

Jorge Angel and HP – Rebel Youth
Jorge Angel and HP – Rebel Youth

The years of the 80s of the last century were almost gone when I met him in Santa Clara, thanks to the many events organized by the group La Leña del Humor, of which he was a member. He already had several books of poetry, humorous texts in various publications; and if I remember correctly he was a director of the Hermanos Saíz Association. It caught my attention that everyone called it HP. I thought that he was not fair because he seemed like a good person to me, then I learned that they were the acronyms of his last name, with which he signed his first works.

I’m talking to you about Jorge Ángel Hernández Pérez, one of the most notable writers of our contemporary literature, as well as a renowned poet, narrator and essayist. The winner of multiple awards and distinctions. His extensive work has been published by important publishers in Cuba and abroad.

After those years, in which he was also part of the Young Comedians Movement, Jorge Ángel moved away from the scene and his texts occupied larger spaces and companies. Perhaps that is why we lost sight of him a little in the humorous world.

Just a few days ago we met and I told him my intention to present it in this section. He thanked me and when he was leaving I asked him carelessly: HP, and you don’t do humor anymore? He looked at me like someone who has a lot to say and didn’t have enough time, and as a farewell he promised: “I’ll write to you later!” And he kept his promise, so the best thing is for Jorge Ángel himself to tell us:

«Humor has been a part of my life, even before I discovered my literary vocation and knew that I would dedicate myself to it. There was nothing I liked more, as a child, than listening to the jokes of the peasants and people from Puebla where I lived. La Leña del Humor, of which I was one of the founders, arose around the literary workshop movement. Thus I wrote texts that focused on making people laugh, whether they were brief vignettes and parodies or short pieces to perform on stage. The section of Zumbado in Bohemia, which was called La Bobería, published some of them, and also Melaíto, dedetéthe AHS magazine, The Sad Hyena… and I don’t know if there are any others.

«Then I left La Leña and founded the group Hisopo, which did a couple of shows in Camajuaní and Remedios. That job made me decide whether to dedicate myself to the stage or to literature, which I chose without giving up humor. My first book of short stories, HamartiaSanta Clara City Award 1994, is a collection of satires that was later joined to the book Kafka’s Graduates, in which satire and absurdity accompany literature. To this day I have written humor and satires (Violas magazine published three or four of them about a year ago), although I am not presented as a humorist, but as a poet, narrator, literary critic and sociologist, perhaps comically.

«I have studied the ways of creating humor and have published critical reviews of the work of several comedians (Carrillo, Zardoyas, Tellerías, among others), as well as a theory on laughter, in Cubaliteraria. And so many more adventures that make you laugh and tiresome and that unfortunately discriminate against each other. Among the several unpublished books that I have in my PC files, there is a book of short satires, one of those that privilege humor through literature. So, if someone told you that I don’t do humor anymore, it’s because they’re trying to stop me from nagging about it anymore!

Just as my dear old friend told me, he also invited me to his blog,, a visit that I also recommend.


The young poet Obdulio Marcos received mentions whenever he competed in a contest. That was his specialty. It was confirmed with the penultimate telegram: You received a Mention. Such day award. Obdulio Marcos had not sent any work to the contest in question.

But the last telegram disconcerted him: You were a prize in our contest. It was impossible. Inconceivable for his dignity as the aforementioned poet. We had to act energetically. He went to speak with the organizers of the contest and expressed his disagreement with them. The organizers refused to rectify the results, but his firm stance forced them to give in.

They called the jurors. The jury also refused to change the final decision, but the young poet was willing not to be offended. He argued, alleged, disagreed and sneezed. He offered to fix the minutes, run paperwork, cover the expenses and simply run, to stay in shape.

And he achieved victory.

And with the victory, a question began to worry everyone: Why did he give up the possibility of the prize? Friendly conversations inspired by friendly and inspired bottles of rum made it possible for Obdulio Marcos to reveal the reason for his attitude.

“It is my only book,” he said, “with it I have achieved all the mentions. If I accept the prize I will not be able to receive another one.

Jorge Angel, finger, 1987

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