Manuel Astorga revealed why he was excluded as the PF of Marcelo Ríos – Publimetro Chile

Manuel Astorga revealed why he was excluded as the PF of Marcelo Ríos – Publimetro Chile
Manuel Astorga revealed why he was excluded as the PF of Marcelo Ríos – Publimetro Chile

Once the rivalry between Marcelo Ríos and Manuel Astorga was known, the physical trainer now revealed new information regarding his marginalization from the tennis player’s team, reporting on practices that were far from strictly sporting matters, in which he was not willing to participate. For example, accompanying him to brothels.

This was revealed in conversation with the programs El Show de PrensaFútbol and PrensaDeportes, reported La Tercera.

His darts were aimed directly at former coach Luis Lobos, pointing out that everyone in the know said that he was a bad element for the athlete.

Manuel Astorga also took the opportunity to review Luis Lobo, former coach of Ríos, and places him as another of the reasons that triggered his departure: “If a guy like Luis Lobo appeared, everyone would notice. Nick Bollettieri himself realized it and told me so. There were two options, you could join or they would exclude you.”

After that, he told why he was fired from his job as a PF.

The reason that marginalized Manuel Astorga

“And I was marginalized, because I was not going to go to brothels, I was not going to dedicate myself to drinking or sightseeing, I was not going to party, or put ice in the athlete’s glass or be his nanny doing paperwork for him. . I wasn’t going to take the bags to the laundry either, that’s why you’re left out of the system there,” she revealed.

In addition, he previously stressed how difficult it became to work with Ríos, who went through 14 coaches, due to disagreements.

“Just mentioning that with the unpresentable Marcelo Ríos I worked with 14 technicians and without a doubt, those with whom he performed the most were Nick Bollettieri, Larry Stefanki and Peter Lundgren. It’s not that the others have done a bad job, but when the athlete grows, especially in “With complex personality structures like Ríos, pride and money appear and they believe they know it all.” sentenced Astorga, who broke off a working relationship with Marcelo when he accused him of running over him.

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