Bielsa and his analysis of Uruguay’s victory over Mexico

Bielsa and his analysis of Uruguay’s victory over Mexico
Bielsa and his analysis of Uruguay’s victory over Mexico

The technician of the Uruguay national team, Marcelo Bielsaanalyzed the forceful 4-0 victory against Mexico and was cautious when stating: “The result is misleading.”.

In the press conference he gave at the end of the game, the Celeste coach began by analyzing his team’s victory, saying: “The first half ended with an exaggerated result (3 to 0) because it was a game that, although we deserved the goals, we could have suffered them too. And the team’s offensive performance in the second half became easier and we were able to play better than in the first, but When there are important goal differences, the team’s production must be carefully measured because he is disadvantaged on the scoreboard, he diminishes the opponent, he loses a little, he distorts himself a little.”

The Celeste coach added: “The result is misleadingin the first half Mexico could have converted and the game would have been different and then, “When the differences are big, it is easier to play well”.

Bielsa He spoke about Mexico saying: “Honestly, as I mentioned last night, Mexico has players, don’t lose sight of the fact that today there were many important players outside the team, it’s too much, well I’m not the one, but I think that by keeping the outstanding players they had today on the field and adding those who did not enter, or were not there, Mexico is going to be an outstanding rival.”

Bielsa He added: “You know that they (Mexico) play with a very important rival in a few days, I think that a team that is preparing should have taken today’s game with its maximum power knowing that it has to play with Brazil. So, the explanation is very clear. But look, when a team is preparing it is better that unwanted issues and errors happen at the beginning because well-handled adverse results are springboards to get closer to a true version.”

Bielsa He said that Mexico had too many absences that cannot be ignored: “Things that if one does not consider them we would see the game with too much optimism from Uruguay, and it should not be that way, and too much pessimism from Mexico, and it should not be that way either.

The Uruguay coach downplayed the departures of Darwin Núñez and Mathías Olivera and contradicted a journalist who stated that his team lacks 9: “What he tells me is strange because there is an overpopulation of number 9s in Uruguayan football.”

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