Anniversaries of June 23

Anniversaries of June 23
Anniversaries of June 23

On another June 23, but in 1988, NASA chief climatologist James Hansen announces before the US Congress that global warming has begun.

1797.- The German scientist Alexander von Humboldt measures Chimborazo (6,265 meters), a mountain in Ecuador in the Andes Mountains.

1894.- Foundation of the International Olympic Committee in Paris, at the initiative of Pierre de Coubertin.

1902.- Albert Einstein joins the Confederal Patent Office in Bern as an official.

1912.- A bridge collapses at Niagara Falls and 47 people die.

1931.- The American pilot Willy Post begins the first trip around the world by plane. It takes 8 days, 15 hours and 51 minutes.

1937.- The National Railways of Mexico company is created.

1940.- Second World War: Hitler visits Paris.

1949.- Pius XII decrees the excommunication of communists and sympathizers.

1961.- The Antarctic Treaty System comes into force.

1968.- 73 people die and more than 100 are injured in a soccer match in Buenos Aires when panic breaks out.

1976.- María Estela Martínez de Perón and 35 other Peronists are deprived of their political rights in Argentina.

1978.- Renato Curcio, founder of the Italian Red Brigades, sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

1983.- Former Cuban president Osvaldo Dorticós commits suicide in Havana.

1985.- The 329 occupants of an Air India Boeing die when it falls into the Atlantic Ocean due to a bomb explosion.

1989.- Official premiere of the film ‘Batman’.

1993.- The English mathematician Andrew Wiles demonstrates Fermat’s theorem after more than 350 years without being solved.

1996.- The Nintendo 64 video game console is launched.

2000.- Airbus announces the construction of the A3XX, the largest aircraft in the world.

2001.- Six departments in southern Peru are shaken by an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 on the Richter scale, which causes more than one hundred deaths.

.- Vladimiro Montesinos, former advisor to former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, detained in Venezuela.

2003.- The WHO announces that Hong Kong has controlled the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic, causing the death of 296 people.

.- Microsoft launches Windows Mobile 2003.

2007.- European leaders agree on the treaty that will replace the draft Constitution.

2008.- The EU approves lifting sanctions on Cuba.

2014.- The last chemical weapons declared by the Government leave Syria.

2016.- The United Kingdom decides to separate from the EU after 52% of the population supported it in a referendum.

.- The Colombian Government and the FARC sign a historic definitive ceasefire in Havana that puts an end to 50 years of conflict.

2017.- The Bolivian ELN guerrilla frees two Dutch journalists they were holding hostage.

2019.- The social democratic opposition wins the municipal elections in Istanbul (Turkey) and puts an end to 25 years of Islamist government in the capital.

2021.- Princess of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research for the 7 scientists who created the coronavirus vaccines.

.- John McAfee, creator of the computer antivirus, is found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona (Spain).

2022.- The US Supreme Court endorses carrying weapons in public.

2023.- The mercenaries of the Wagner group fighting in Ukraine rebel against the Russian military leadership.

1894.- Edward VIII of England, Duke of Windsor.

1912.- Alan Turing, English mathematician, one of the fathers of computing.

1919.- Mohamed Budiaf, Algerian president.

1930.- John H. Elliot, British historian and Hispanicist.

1939.- Álvaro Pombo, Spanish writer.

1940.- Wilma Glodean Rudolph ‘the black gazelle’, American athlete.

1943.- Vinton Gray Cerf, American computer scientist, one of the creators of the Internet.

1957.- Frances McDormand, American actress.

1943.- James Lavine, American conductor.

1963.- Colin Montgomerie, Scottish golfer.

1969.- Noa, Israeli singer.

1972.- Zinedine Zidane, French footballer and coach.

1980.- Francesca Schiavone, Italian tennis player.

.- Matías Varela, Swedish actor.

1995.- Dana Paola, Mexican actress and singer.

1995.- Jonas Edward Salk, American, discoverer of the polio vaccine.

1996.- Andreas Papandreou, former Greek Prime Minister.

1998.- Maureen O’Sullivan, American actress.

2000.- Peter Dubovsky, Czechoslovakian footballer.

2007.- Otto Raúl González, Guatemalan writer and poet.

2008.- Klaus Michael Grüber, German theater director.

2011.- Peter Falk, Colombo, American actor.

.-Christiane Desroches Noblecourt, French Egyptologist.

2018.- Donald Hall, American poet.

.- Alberto ‘Tito’ Fouillioux, Chilean soccer player.

2021.- John McAfee, creator of the antivirus with his name. EFE


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