In Colo Colo they recognize concrete offers to their reinforcements

In Colo Colo they recognize concrete offers to their reinforcements
In Colo Colo they recognize concrete offers to their reinforcements

Colo Colo started with everything in the second semester. The Cacique has important things at stake both on and off the field. In terms of football, Jorge Almirón’s team took the 2024 Chile Cup very seriously and held nothing back against Deportes Quillón, or against O’Higgins in Rancagua. Furthermore, with regard to leadership, in Black and White they begin a week of decisions regarding the possible reinforcements that can wear the Indian on their chest.

It was Aníbal Mosa himself who, days ago, set the month of June as the maximum deadline to have the squad formed, an issue that he reiterated again Daniel Moron after the match against the Rancagüinos. The sports manager of the institution, in conversation with DaleAlbo, warned thatalthough nothing is closed yet, “we hope between now and the end of June to have answers and statements to arrive.”

Notwithstanding the above, he gave an important clue. The thing is, there are several names floating around the Monumental offices and Aníbal Mosa, during the week, pointed out that the group of possibilities was reduced to a minimum. In this way, Daniel Morón went one step further and recognized that “Yes, concrete offers have been made. We already have economic conversations with some players”, making it clear that the contractual conditions are being negotiated with the possible incorporations.

So thingsin Cacique they enter a key week to be able to close their reinforcements. The leadership wants to comply with Jorge Almirón, who has recognized the need to add people to the squad, although it is the coach himself who makes it clear that it is not about bringing for the sake of bringing, but rather that we must carefully analyze the options offered by the market.

Daniel Morón hopes to close the Colo Colo reinforcements this week. | Image: Guille Salazar.

The names that appear as possible reinforcements for Colo Colo

Morón, in any case and for obvious reasons, did not want to say who were the ones who received the offers he talks about. “I can’t say anything specific,” warned El Loro, who, in any case, clarified that in his folders there are “nines, full-backs and a wide range of players.” scouted in case the DT’s priorities change.

Without prejudice to the above, at DaleAlbo we were able to have information about the players with whom the Cacique has more advanced conversations, Matías Catalán being one of them. The Talleres player is very much liked by Jorge Almirón and his versatility comes in handy for a coach who is constantly worried about his defense. Although conversations with his club will not be easy, the truth is that at Popular they are already in contact with the player and his environment.

Mauricio Isla also appears as an alternative for the right back. Huaso looks forward to returning to Chile and putting on the Eternal Champion’s shirt, although the Copa América takes all his attention, so once his participation ends, he will define where his future will be.

Regarding the center forward, the list was reduced to two main names. One of them is Ignacio Pussetto from Huracán, who enjoys a great presence at the Globe. Nevertheless, The one who adds the most bonuses to be able to cross the mountain range is Javier Correacurrent striker for Estudiantes de La Plata and who, a few seasons ago, was already in Morón’s portfolio.

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