The App Store receives its first NES emulator for iPhone/iPad

Update: The excitement did not last long. The NES emulator for iPhone/iPad is no longer available in the App Store. However, it is not because Apple has removed it, but because its creator himself has decided to cancel it. According to Tom Salvo, the developer of the application, in the forum MacRumorschose to remove Bimmy for fear of retaliation.

“I’m very sorry to everyone. I deleted the application out of fear. No one approached me to pressure me to remove it. But I prefer not to take the risk,” said the aforementioned.

Original article:

The App Store today received its first NES emulator for iPhone or iPad. Is about Bimmyan application that you can download for free on any Apple mobile or tablet that runs iOS 17.4 or iPadOS 17.4 or higher, respectively.

This NES emulator is part of the new wave of applications to which those from Cupertino opened the doors of the App Store. Let us remember that the Californian company changed its review guidelines to allow this type of proposals, as long as they do not include unauthorized content.

During the last weekend, for example, it was all the rage iGBA, an app to emulate Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games. However, it did not last long in the App Store. Apple eliminated it just 48 hours after its launch, because it was learned that the application was, in reality, a plagiarism of GBA4iOS, an emulator that is distributed outside the official Apple store.

As for the first NES emulator for the iPhone and iPad, its creator indicates that its purpose is to help with the development and testing of home games. As well as to run public domain ROMs. Anyway, The app places no restrictions on running any NES ROM that is loaded from the device. This means that those who want to play Super Mario Bros., donkey kong, Duck Hunt, Dr. Mario either 1942among many others, will be able to do it without problems.

Bimmy, the first NES emulator for iPhone or iPad to hit the App Store

The first NES emulator for iPhone or iPad to hit the App Store brings very interesting news. Bimmy’s interface is fairly simple, with a portion of the main screen dedicated to gameplay and the rest dedicated to controls. The application includes the classic Nintendo console controls: the directional pad, the A and B buttons and the Start and Select keys. However, it also offers support for external controls.

Another notable feature of the emulator is that it allows you to save your NES games to resume them later. In the settings menu, Bimmy integrates several very useful options. Among the most relevant, the following stand out:

  • Autosave the game when exiting the app;
  • Automatically load the last game when opening the emulator;
  • Delete saved data;
  • Skip duplicate boxes;
  • Turn the scan line effect on or off;
  • Turn game audio on or off;
  • Choose a specific audio sampling rate (12, 16, 22 or 44 kHz).

Apps like this new NES emulator have always been extremely popular with the public. Now that Apple has allowed its distribution through the App Store, Its global reach possibilities are even greater. Let’s not forget that if you previously wanted to run an application of this style on your iPhone, you could only do it with a jailbreak in the middle. Luckily the story is now changing, as long as the developers respect the rules imposed by those on the block.

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