Canon takes a turn: now its cameras will accept third-party lenses | photography | Sigma | Tamron | TECHNOLOGY

Canon takes a turn: now its cameras will accept third-party lenses | photography | Sigma | Tamron | TECHNOLOGY
Canon takes a turn: now its cameras will accept third-party lenses | photography | Sigma | Tamron | TECHNOLOGY

Are you a photography lover? The brand Canyon has confirmed that its cameras will now accept lenses from other brands, specifically those from Sigma and Tamron.

In this way, the exclusivity that the main camera brands have had for years comes to an end. But this happens in the case of mirrorless cameras that the Japanese firm has been promoting.

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This type of camera works with the new RF mount. According to the El Español-Omicrono page, both Sigma and Tamron have confirmed this information almost at the same time, after the three manufacturers reached an agreement.

These cameras have become popular for being more accessible to the public, as well as for offering a better balance in focus and image quality.

On Sigma’s side, it has been said that its lenses will be absolutely compatible with the RF mount, in addition to including a control algorithm for autofocus and an optimization for the communication speed between the lens and the camera.

The models included are: SIGMA 18-50 mm F/2.8 DC DN, SIGMA 18-18 mm F/2.8 DC DN, SIGMA 16 mm F/1.4 DC DN, SIGMA 23 mm F/1.4 DC DN, SIGMA 30 mm F /1.4 DC DN and SIGMA 56 mm F/1.4 DC DN.

Meanwhile, Tamron will work directly with Canon “under a licensing agreement.” He will soon be presenting his first lens.

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