This is the date on which the Earth will enter a historical change – Teach me about Science

This is the date on which the Earth will enter a historical change – Teach me about Science
This is the date on which the Earth will enter a historical change – Teach me about Science

As we well know, our planet has undergone changes that do not end to this day, since it is a living planet that is constantly evolving. From the formation of continents and oceans to other details that probably go unnoticed by us, such as the rotation of the Earth.

Although we may not realize it, since it is something imperceptible to us, the Earth is rotating on its own axis at all times, giving rise to what is known as rotational movement. You may think that since the Earth was formed this movement has always been the same, but the truth is that it is something that also changes and continues to vary to this day.

The rotation of the Earth gives rise to the phenomenon of day and night, taking 24 hours, 26 minutes and 4 seconds to make a complete revolution on its own axis. However, as we told you at the beginning, the Earth does not maintain the same rhythm all the time, so the rotation movement varies and this causes the days to appear longer or shorter.

In this case, the Earth is experiencing a change related to said movement, which will cause a historical consequence for the planet. This information has been part of an elaborate study carried out by a team of scientists, and this is what it is all about.

What will be the historical change that the Earth will undergo?

Returning to the rotation of the Earth, we have mentioned that it is the movement that causes night and day, this does not always remain the same all the time, so it can generate changes in the length of the days and of the nights on our planet.

The person responsible for these changes are the changes that the Earth’s rotational movement undergoes, which can be caused by the internal movements of the solid and liquid components that make up the planet and the wobble experienced by its axis, up to changes in the mass distribution of the planet or the gravitational interactions with the Moon and the Sun.

When the Moon was formed, the Earth had a rotation speed that caused days to last only 10 hours, which slowed down with the appearance of the satellite. Between approximately 2,000 and 600 million years ago, days became 19.5 hours long, according to astrophysicist Norman Murray in an article published in the journal Sciences Advances.

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Now, the changes in the Earth’s rotation do not stop, so a group of scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) predict that days may become 25 hours long, a conclusion that was obtained through an elaborate study carried out through an ultra-precise laser instrument to measure the speed of the Earth’s rotation in a way that is as accurate as possible.

The change in the length of days is due to the fact that the speed of the Earth varies due to various factors, such as its internal movements. Because of this, the planet moves away from the Sun and affects the movements of translation and rotation, although for the days to have this length, we must wait approximately 200 million years for this event to occur.

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