They hunt a Nintendo leaker who worked at Google

Internal Google documents come to light that reveal how an employee leaked Nintendo data by accessing its YouTube channel.

Google acknowledges having collected inadequate information from its users and, also, that one of its workers was leaking information from Nintendo. A series of documents to which the portal has had access 404Medium has uncovered a series of irregularities in the internet giant, and one of them directly affected Mario’s house.

Between algorithms that read license plates that were not supposed to, filters that were supposed to prevent children’s voices from being recorded and did not work, and modifications to online advertising codes, the website has revealed that “a Google employee accessed private videos from Nintendo’s YouTube channel and that he took advantage of said access to filter “information ahead of Nintendo’s planned announcements”.

Although it has not transcended what announcements they were or in what specific period of time they were carried out These leaks, from the portal add date back 6 years or more and that an internal investigation at Google ended up determining that access and leaks they were not intentional. It remains to be seen if those in Kyoto will comment on the matter after this revelation.

The identity of the leaker is a mystery. Curiously, Pyoro has spoken out after this report came out, ruling out that it was him, despite having made announcements such as that of Super Mario Bros Wonder either Nintendo World Championships for Switch. Nintendo is one of the video game companies that has suffered the most leaks in recent years, since marketing spending The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild even the supposed code name of Splatoon 4the last 7 years have been full of rumors and leaks, among which were surely those of this user.

There is no more information on this, although we will remain attentive to more details. It is unknown what the leaks in question were, and It is difficult for them to come to light.


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