League of Legends players complain that they can no longer find friends in the game: “It’s a shame to see how the game has evolved”

In recent years, we have witnessed a growth exponential in the community online games, with titles that attract millions of players around the world. However, this increase in the popularity of online games has also brought with it a negative aspect: the proliferation of behaviors toxic and disruptive in gaming environments.

Although the interaction in games is crucial for effective team communication and can serve as a means of conversation between players, unfortunately, many have used this platform to spread toxicity and the hate. This phenomenon has led large developers, such as Riot Gamesto implement measures to limit this negative aspect and promote a healthier gaming community, losing by the way, the interaction between players.

Now, the League of Legends community is in the middle of a debate about the decrease of the social interaction inside the game. Platform users reddit have expressed frustration over what they see as a decline in connectivity between players, pointing out several changes and removed features that previously fostered community.

According to a discussion thread started by the user 13yearsand4monthssthe social atmosphere of League of Legends has changed drastically over the years. BeforePlayers they chatted more during games, they formed groups after matches and joined together to play together, however, with the introduction of Flex-Queue and the elimination of Clubs in seasons previous, many players They feel that the social essence of the game has been lost.

One of the most notable changes is the rchat presence reduction after the games, which makes communication between players difficult. Before, chat was most prominent on the screen and encouraged interaction between users, but now it has become less accessible and visiblewhich has led to a decrease in post-match conversations.

Additionally, other settings such as limiting what can be pinguear and the elimination of general chats have contributed to the general feeling of disconnection among players. While some users have expressed their wish that Riot Games, the game’s developer, reintroduce social features more robust, others are concerned that this could exacerbate toxic in-game behavior in other ways.

The community has been divided in its opinions, some believe that The lack of social interaction is a reflection of today’s societyWhile others blame directly to the developers for the changes implemented in the game. With the debate in full swing, it remains to be seen if Riot Games will take steps to address these concerns and restore connectivity between gamers League of Legends.

Veteran League of Legends players criticize the new mastery system and say that getting the rewards is unbearable

At the beginning of the year, Riot announced that it would change the mastery system of League of Legendsleaving behind the system that reached up to mastery 7 and giving way to infinite levels of these.

This change finally came with the beginning of the Split 2in which the system for obtaining chests also changed Hextechwhich has generated controversy and rejection among the most veteranswho feel that the new operation of the game’s lootboxes is increasingly annoying and distant from the true gameplay of the MOBA.

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