This device modulates your brain waves to help you sleep better. It’s noise cancellation for the brain

This device modulates your brain waves to help you sleep better. It’s noise cancellation for the brain
This device modulates your brain waves to help you sleep better. It’s noise cancellation for the brain

Elemind is a neurotechnology headband that analyzes brain waves and suppresses them to help you sleep better

Elemind tape capable of modulating alpha brain waves

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It is not a hair band. The device in the image above is the company’s latest product Elemindand they define it as the first “neurotechnology headband” that has been clinically proven to be capable of help you fall asleep much faster, and even resume it if you wake up during the night.

Behind this product lies a very interesting technology, since it acts analyzing brain waves of the person wearing it through sensors electroencephalographyfor later modify these waves through bursts of sound transmitted through bone conduction.

Elemind: the headband that modulates your brain waves to help you sleep better

Its creators claim that this band is capable of “putting your brain into Do Not Disturb mode.” A simplification for a complex technology, which has gone through different phases of research, development, testing and clinical trials over the last five years.

Although it is not the first device to be capable of monitoring brain waves, Elemind’s new product is pioneering in its ability to monitor brain waves. suppress alpha waveshelping the user to fall asleep faster and more effectivelywithout the need to use medications or any type of chemical compound, and therefore, without causing side effects.

Thanks to clinical trials, you can read testimonials from some of the people who have already tried the Elemind band. One of them explains that he is able to “silence thoughts.” He claims it’s “like noise cancellation for the brain.”

The band in question is equipped with different electroencephalography electrodesa three-axis accelerometer, rechargeable battery and other elements responsible for collect electrical signals from the brain. The integrated processor interprets these signals and generates “pink noise” effects that are transmitted to the user through a bone conduction speaker.

The device is now on sale, and has a price of 349 dollars through the official Elemind online store. Additionally, a subscription to the Elemind app is required, which is free for one year for beta program users, and thereafter has a cost of $6.99 per month billed annually, or 12.99 euros per month if paid monthly. Shipments will begin later this summer.

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