Skype launches new augmented reality filters. How do they work? | Lifestyle | SmartLife

Skype launches new augmented reality filters. How do they work? | Lifestyle | SmartLife
Skype launches new augmented reality filters. How do they work? | Lifestyle | SmartLife

skype It is still one of the best platforms for making video calls. Although Microsoft has Teams, this company remains its property. And the truth is that it does not stop launching new functions to offer the best experience.

Now they just announced a new update of the Skype app for Android and iOS and that allows all kinds of new functions. And with this firmware improvement comes the Snap camera kit so that virtual reality technology can be implemented in third-party apps.

In this way, Skype launches new augmented reality filters to make video calls more fun. And the new functions point out ways to be a hit.

Augmented reality comes to Skype

We had already seen these new functions in Microsoft Teams, and now it is Skype’s turn. Now, with the arrival of this new augmented reality technology, You will be able to add all kinds of filters, masks and other elements to photos and videos that you share on Skype.

As you will see in the video that heads these lines, and that Microsoft has published, we will have all kinds of options. For example, add mosaics, give a shine to the hair, simulate that we breathe fire… You will not lack options when it comes to surprising your friends and other loved ones.

Regarding the use of these filters, they are no longer a mystery. The first thing you should do is update Skype to the latest version on your phone or tablet. The update is now available globally on iOS and Android, so you don’t have to worry about this.

New Skype filtersskype

Now, when you go to share a multimedia element, whether it is a photo or a video, you will see that there is a filters section available. And there you can play with the wide range of options that Skype offers so you can personalize your content like never before. You can also take a photo or video from Skype and add these new AR filters.

And the best of all is that Microsoft has confirmed that this new SDK will also come to the version of Skype for Windows and Macso very soon we will be able to use these new augmented reality filters on any computer.

So if you use Skype regularly, get ready for your conversations to be more fun than ever.

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