Nokia CEO made the first “immersive” phone call in history

Nokia CEO made the first “immersive” phone call in history
Nokia CEO made the first “immersive” phone call in history


The CEO of Nokia, Pekka Lundmarkmade a phone call using a new technology called “immersive audio and video” that improves the quality of a call with a three dimensional soundwhich makes interactions more real, the company reported Monday.

“We have demonstrated the future of voice calling,” said Lundmark, who was also present in the room when the first 2G call was made in 1991.

Today’s smartphone calls are monophonic, meaning they compress audio elements and sound flatter and less detailed, but new technology will bring 3D audio, with which the interlocutor will hear everything as if he were there with the other person.

“It is the biggest leap forward in the live voice calling experience since the introduction of the monophonic telephony audio used in smartphones today and personal computers,” said Jenni Lukander, president of Nokia Technologies.

The call was held with Stefan Lindstrom, Finnish ambassador for Digitalization and New Technologies.

“This is being normalized now … so that network providers, chip manufacturers and phone manufacturers can start implementing it in their products,” Lukander said in an interview.

Nokia made the call using a regular smartphone over a public 5G network. Most modern smartphones have at least two microphoneswhich enables the use of this new technology, which can capture and transmit in real time the spatial location of the other person, or a group of people who are in the same environment.

Technology is part of upcoming 5G Advanced standard and Nokia aims to gain licensing opportunities with the technology, which would likely take a few years to become widely available.

With information from Reuters


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