How to show the Windows desktop quickly

There are several ways to quickly display the Windows desktop and we have compiled them all here

If you need to quickly show the Windows desktop, then you should try these methods that we will list below

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Windows is an operating system that, over time, It has been acquiring all kinds of functionalities and features to be more versatile and allow users to be more efficient in terms of productivity. Its latest versions have been more focused on further improving usability rather than introducing crazy features.

Yeah you want to master Windows as an operating systemit is not only important that you know the best keyboard shortcuts, as well as how the Windows key works, which is quite useful, or how to manage virtual desktops, but you should also know how to quickly access the desktop.

This knowledge It’s especially useful when you have a lot of windows open and, instead of minimizing them one by one, you can do it in a general way and have a view of the desktop. In the next lines we will tell you the best ways to show the desktop quickly.

Create quick access to the desktop on the taskbar

You can create a shortcut to the show desktop function and save time on this task

You can create a shortcut to the show desktop function and save time on this task

We start with a fairly mythical trick, especially among those who were Windows XP users at the time. And, in that distant version of the operating system, there was an icon that, when clicked, allowed quick access to the desktop. Evidently this was later removed.

Nevertheless, is it possible to manually create this shortcut. To do this, you must click on an empty space on the desktop and assign it the title Show desktop. So, in the file path, you need to paste this command, without the quotes: “%windir%/explorer.exe shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}”.

Can put the icon you want, like the one that used to have this feature in Windows XP. Finally, you just have to drag this icon to the taskbar and it will be anchored there, offering quick access.

Access the Windows desktop through keyboard shortcuts

There are commands and keyboard shortcuts that will allow you to access the Windows desktop quickly

There are commands and keyboard shortcuts that will allow you to access the Windows desktop quickly

Another quite popular method for Quickly show the desktop in Windows is through keyboard shortcuts and that are available to all users.

On the one hand, we have the key combination WINDOWS + Dwhich will immediately open the desktop in the foreground. And if you repeat this combination, the windows will be restored to how they were before.

We also have the key combination WINDOWS + M that will automatically minimize all open windowsoffering quick access to the operating system desktop.

Show Windows desktop from taskbar feature

The best way to quickly display the Windows desktop is with the feature at the end of the taskbar

The best way to quickly display the Windows desktop is with the feature at the end of the taskbar

In case you don’t know, The latest versions of Windows have an extreme section from the taskbar which, when you click, immediately shows the desktop.

On Windows 10 You will see it as a vertical line displayed at the right end of the taskbar. You simply have to click on it and the desktop will be shown.

On the other hand, it is possible that This feature is disabled by default in Windows 11so you will have to access the Taskbar settings and, later, where it says Taskbar behavior. There you will see the option Select the corner of the taskbar to show the desktop. You check its box and you will now have this feature.

Show desktop by quickly shaking windows

Both in Windows 10 and Windows 11 There is a feature that allows you to automatically minimize all windows, leaving only the app in the foreground. To do this, you must click on its top bar and shake the mouse from side to side very quickly.

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