Radeon 890M offers similar performance to RTX 2050 (laptop)

Radeon 890M offers similar performance to RTX 2050 (laptop)
Radeon 890M offers similar performance to RTX 2050 (laptop)

The integrated graphics AMD Radeon 890M with 16 RDNA 3.5 cores has been subjected to new performance tests.

Radeon 890M offers similar performance to RTX 2050 (laptop)

This graphics integrated with architecture RDNA 3.5 It is located in the processor Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 recently announced for the laptop segment.

Some new performance tests that were carried out during the Computex 2024 They once again confirm that the Radeon 890M will be a great improvement over the current Radeon 780M architecture RDNA 3.

AMD Radeon 890M It will be the most powerful integrated graphics on the market with the RDNA 3.5 architecture with 16 CUs and a clock that can reach 2.9 GHz.

We recommend our guide on the best graphics cards on the market

3D Mark Time Spy Performance Tests

The performance results in 3DMark Time Spy show that the Radeon 890M get a score of 3600 points. This score brings it closer to the performance of the RTX 2050 @ 50W (laptop) and above the 2800 points obtained by the Radeon 780M.

Another additional test was also done on Cinebench R23where you get a score of 2000 points in the single core test and more than 20,000 points on multiple cores. These results place it 20% above the Ryzen “Hawk Point” APUs on average.

It must be clarified that the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 it’s a version IS, Therefore, it is an engineering sample that could still improve these numbers in its final version. It is therefore plausible to expect a score exceeding 4000 points in 3DMark Time Spy.

The series of Ryzen AI 300 APUs It will arrive with its first laptops officially in the month of July. We will keep you up to date with all the news.

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