Discover how Google’s artificial intelligence is revolutionizing health, business and your life

Discover how Google’s artificial intelligence is revolutionizing health, business and your life
Discover how Google’s artificial intelligence is revolutionizing health, business and your life

Through artificial intelligence, the company will launch an alert so that users avoid being scammed.

Adriana Noreña, vice president of Google for Latin Americahas revealed details of his vision on the impact of the artificial intelligence (AI) in various areas, from solving global problems to its influence on daily life and the business environment. A valuable space that has been given to infobae Tecno.

In Infobae’s Tecno Profiles, he highlighted how AI is transforming industries and processes, generating new opportunities and posing challenges for both individuals and organizations. So artificial intelligence has the potential to address some of the world’s biggest problems.

Talking to Adriana is like sitting down to talk to your best friend but who has the world of technology clear in her head, as well as its near future. When talking about AI, it is key to take into account three aspects on which Google is based: health, business and daily use.

Adriana Noreña, vice president of Google for Latin America, stated that AI predicts floods and detects diseases such as breast cancer (Google)

There are three levels at which artificial intelligence is used and at which today unimaginable developments are being created by Google.

The first is in fields such as health and the environment. For example, AI is used to predict natural events, such as floods, by analyzing large volumes of data available on the internet.

“For example, there is a product called Flood Hub that helps us see, based on that large amount of data that humans cannot process in thousandths of seconds, where there are going to be natural phenomena such as forest fires based also on typologies and in identifying patterns that cannot be identified by a human in real time,” said Adriana.

AI can predict disease risks – (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Another case is the early detection of diseases such as breast cancer through mammogram analysis, which results in more accurate and faster diagnoses than those performed manually; as also, cardiovascular ailments or diseases based on X-rays that demonstrate smoking patterns.

“So, they are big problems that artificial intelligence can solve and that is already being done,” said Noreña.

In the business sphere, AI is allowing companies to be more efficient. An example is supermarkets that use AI techniques to manage inventories, forecasting demand and avoiding shelf shortages. According to Noreña, “businesses can use artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of data and plan their inventories more effectively.” Likewise, in the creation and execution of marketing campaigns, AI can optimize investments and improve results by personalizing messages to the right users at the right time.

In everyday life, many users have already experienced the benefits of AI without hardly noticing it. Google has used this technology in such common applications as Google Maps, which not only offers faster routes, but also the most ecological ones, helping to reduce the carbon footprint.

Google Maps optimizes fast and ecological routes thanks to artificial intelligence (Google)

Noreña assured Infobae Tecno that “Google Maps adds very interesting data sources such as which route is greenest.” In addition, other applications allow you to add immersive experiences, such as visualizing how a sofa will look in the living room before purchasing it, thus facilitating more informed purchasing decisions.

Generative AI is increasingly being used for complex, everyday tasks. Noreña illustrated how this technology can assist in writing emails or quickly creating presentations on digital platforms, significantly increasing productivity. Advances even allow, as in your personal case, to ask an AI assistant to write a thank you letter in different languages, reducing time and improving efficiency.

“I use it for very simple things and other more complex ones. “Sometimes I have to speak in Portuguese, in Spanish and sometimes the spelling goes wrong, so sometimes I tell the AI,” he stated.

Adriana Noreña: “My pregnancy was never an inability to do my job” (Google)

In the area of education and equality, Google has launched several initiatives to close the educational gap in Latin America, such as career certificates in artificial intelligence. According to the vice president of Google for Latin America, Its goal is to empower people with “relevant tools” and promote inclusion through technology. This has become crucial, especially in the wake of the pandemic, which highlighted inequalities in access to education and remote work.

Also, she highlighted the importance of female leadership in the technology sector, sharing her personal experience of joining Google while pregnant.

“My pregnancy was never an inability to do my job”she revealed, raising awareness of the need to tell these inspiring stories and support the professional growth of women. Google has implemented programs such as Women at Google to provide mentoring and development opportunities to women within the company, promoting diversity and inclusion in the work environment.

Finally, he addressed concerns about jobs in the age of AI. He noted that, historically, technology has always raised questions about eliminating jobs, but it has also created new roles and opportunities.

“12 million jobs will be generated by 2025,” he said, citing studies from the World Economic Forum, which is why he considers education and constant adaptation important to remain relevant in a rapidly evolving labor market, he concluded in the interview with Infobae Tecno. on the multiple uses and benefits of artificial intelligence, underlining the crucial role of education and adaptation in the digital age.

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