Javier Milei published fake news against Nicolás Maduro

Javier Milei published fake news against Nicolás Maduro
Javier Milei published fake news against Nicolás Maduro

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But the information is false, since the video is from 2017 and the one who appears in the images is the son of an Arab sheikh. In fact, eight years ago this same thing was used to defame the leader of the Oil Workers Union of the Mexican Republic (STPRM), Carlos Romero Deschamps.

It was also used, also on Twitter, against Lula da Silva, and they pointed out that the person who got into the luxury car was one of his sons, Fábio Luís “Lulinha” da Silva.

Javier Milei shared a false survey about the United States and they denied it

After the president Javier Milei shared on their social networks a survey about their figure that would have been carried out in the United States, but the consulting firm Gallup He came out to deny it.

The Argentine president shared a screenshot of a news item that cited a poll that stated: “Gallup Poll: 84% of United States citizens prefer Javier Milei as president over Trump or Biden”to which he added: “NEIGHBORHOOD PHENOMENON. LONG LIVE FREEDOM, DAMN IT.”

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But as CORTA found out, the news cited by the President does not appear anywhere on the Internet, nor does the supposed poll conducted by Gallup. In this sense, the Presidential Spokesperson was also unable to provide details about the shared publication.

In this context, the same digital medium asked the American pollster about the veracity of the publication, to which they responded: “Gallup has not polled Americans about the Argentine president.”

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