Apple is working on a second generation of the Apple Vision Pro viewer and on AR Glasses that will arrive in the coming years

Apple is working on a second generation of the Apple Vision Pro viewer and on AR Glasses that will arrive in the coming years
Apple is working on a second generation of the Apple Vision Pro viewer and on AR Glasses that will arrive in the coming years

Apple is working on a second generation of its Apple Vision Pro viewer, which will include a faster processor and improvements in external cameras, as well as a cheaper version and the development of augmented reality (AR) glasses, which will arrive in the next years.

The technology company led by Tim Cook presented its Vision Pro mixed reality (MR) viewer in June of last year, when he defined it as “the most advanced consumer electronics device ever created.” Thus, it is a viewer that works with visionOS, an operating system that uses the iOS and Mac interface for its operation, and that can be controlled with your eyes, hands and voice.

Vision Pro hit the US market in February with a price starting at $3,499 and access to a million apps from iOS and iPadOS. In this sense, the company justified its high price by referring to the high-end technology that integrates the device, as well as the expensive manufacturing process.

In this sense, Apple is working on a cheaper version of the Apple Vision Pro, which will have a price that will range between $1,500 and $2,500 and that will eliminate some features such as the external EySight screen, in addition to using a processor from an iPhone or Mac , as Bloomberg journalist and Apple analyst Mark Gurman has previously shared.

Now, Gurman, who has gained access to the roadmap for the company’s MR and AR devices, has noted that the Apple Vision device team continues to work on this cheaper version of the headset, which they refer to as codenamed N107.

Likewise, as detailed in its latest ‘Power On’ newsletter, those from Cupertino maintain their plans to launch this economic version of the Apple Vision at the end of next year 2025, something that was already in the company’s plans before it was launched. to present the Vision Pro globally for the first time, according to the analyst.

Following this line, Apple is also focused on the international launch of its mixed reality viewer. Specifically, at the end of this month of June the Vision Pro will arrive in countries such as China, Hong Kong and Singapore, and will be launched in France, Germany, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom in the month of July.

For the international launch, Apple will distribute the ‘hardware’ model codenamed N301A -instead of the American model N301-, which has some changes with respect to the device distributed in the United States, although the analyst does not specify these changes.


The Apple Vision team is also working on a second generation of the current Apple Vision Pro model, although this project is less of a priority for the company, according to the analyst.

Specifically, this new model has the code name N109 and, although it shares features with the current version, Apple intends to include a faster processor and improvements to the external cameras. In addition, the technology company is also looking for ways to make the ‘hardware’ lighter, for more comfortable use.

Thus, this new version of the Vision Pro is planned to be presented to end users in 2026, after a delay in the initial launch for this second generation, which was planned for 2025.

In addition to all this, Apple is also working on the development of exclusive augmented reality (AR) glasses. In this case, the glasses will have a lighter design designed so that users can use them throughout the day.

As Gurman has learned, its launch is scheduled for 2027, however, he has also indicated that none of the sources related to the company to which he has had access believe that the AR glasses will be ready for a few years. .

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