They announce a new “hardcore mode” for Stardew Valley that erases your progress if you use guides as a joke and a modder turns it into reality in one day

On the Internet there are several sites or social media accounts that spread clearly false news as if it were real, all in a joking manner and most of the time mocking true advertisements. Among them “The Onion” or in Chile “La Legal” and in the video game industry Hard Drive, the latter who as a joke published the discovery of a “new hardcore mode” for Stardew Valley. Joke that a programmer brought to reality, surprising the title community.

The story began with this satirical article published on the website focused on fake news from the world of video games, which described a “new hardcore mode” for Stardew Valley that detected the use of the wiki by players and, as punishment , deleted your saved games. Wiki, like all these similar sites, is a precious commodity for Stardew Valley players, as it is a place where they can find their secrets and optimize their farms.

You can read: Stardew Valley player falls asleep on the floor because his pet won’t let him get to his bed, but the community offers him a solution

And thanks to Sylvie Nightshade, a programmer and musician who defines herself as “a fan of programming and music who spends too much time on the internet”, this joke among the farm simulator community went from a parody to reality. The result is a completely functional mod, as described in Hard Drive, since “it deletes your saved game if you dare to look at the wiki even in a browser tab,” says its creator. But the punishment doesn’t end there. The mod “tracks the title of all open windows on your computer and deletes everything if any of them contain ‘Stardew Valley Wiki’ in the title.” To make matters worse, “it also closes the browser window where the wiki is open.”

And the most surprising of all was that the programmer claims that she learned to create mods for SMAPI “in two hours” with the sole objective of making the joke a reality. This resulted in just one day after the Hard Drive article went viral, she had her mod ready, turning this joke on its head in a brilliant way.

Stardew Valley player goes to sleep thinking he paused the game, but when he wakes up he realizes he lost an entire season

Stardew Valley, known for its relaxed gameplay where players manage their farms and interact with the inhabitants of Pelican Town, can ironically become truly frustrating if players are careless. This was the case of Reddit user “chooseauser_namee”, who shared his experience on the platform.

According to the account of “chooseauser_namee”, one night he felt so tired that he decided to take a nap while playing and instead of closing the game, he chose to pause it and went to bed, however, it seems that the game was not paused properly, and the Time continued to advance. “chooseauser_namee”, when he wanted to resume the game, he realized that he fell asleep in summer and woke up when it was already winter, losing the entire fall season.

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