The Assembly opens a sanctioning file against Pablo Padilla, the Más Madrid deputy who simulated shooting Ayuso

The Assembly opens a sanctioning file against Pablo Padilla, the Más Madrid deputy who simulated shooting Ayuso
The Assembly opens a sanctioning file against Pablo Padilla, the Más Madrid deputy who simulated shooting Ayuso

The Assembly Board has agreed to initiate sanctioning proceedings against the deputy of More Madrid, Pablo Padillafor alleged non-compliance with article 33.3 of the Assembly Regulations after, emulating Mónica García, she made the gesture of shooting with a gun while the president Isabel Diaz Ayuso answered the questions posed in the last control session a week ago.

This sanctioning process has begun after a complaint registered by the Parliamentary Group Vox in which he denounces gestures “of special gravity, since it represents a gesture of unequivocal incitement to violence, inadmissible anywhere, but much more so, if possible, in the regional Parliament“.

The opening of the file, the Assembly explains in a statement, has been adopted keeping in mind that article 33.3 establishes that infractions are “attacking the dignity of the Madrid Assembly or against discipline, order or parliamentary courtesy, causing in the latter case, disorder with their conduct, in deed or word, in the terms provided for in the article. 138 of this Regulation”. Furthermore, the article 34.1b) provides that, in this case, it may be imposed as a sanction “the suspension of any of the rights of the deputies recognized in articles 15 to 21 of these Regulations for a period of 15 to 30 days“.

Likewise, the Board has approved that it be developed in accordance with the procedure prepared by the lawyers of the Madrid Assembly and, applying the same, has appointed the deputy as instructor. Mercedes Zarzalejosthe same deputy who instructed the irregular vote cast by Rocío Monasteriowho will be assisted by a lawyer from the Chamber during the processing of the file.

The instructor will order the carrying out of procedures to determine and verify the facts and evidence that may lead to clarification, as well as determine the responsibilities susceptible to sanctions. In addition, she will formulate and notify the corresponding statement of objections, and will express the violation allegedly committed and the sanctions that may be imposed.

The abbreviated procedure contemplates a period of five business days, extendable for the same period, so that the deputy can present allegations against the statement of objections. If they present allegations, there will be an evidentiary period of eight days. Once this is completed, the instructor will formulate the proposed resolution, in which he will precisely establish the facts, carry out the legal classification to determine the infraction that is considered committed and will indicate the possible responsibilities of the deputy, as well as the proposed sanction. The proposal will be debated and voted on by the Board that will decide definitively.

“These gestures cannot be allowed, they cannot be tolerated. And Nor can the attitude of his party, of Más Madrid, be tolerated, which insists on not apologizing.“said the parliamentary spokesperson of the PP in the Assembly. “In accordance with the regulations, this file will be processed and the corresponding sanction will be determined, if it has to be that way, as has been done in other cases in this Assembly,” he added. Carlos Diaz Pache.

Pache, together with the PP, already asked for his resignation last week. Padilla “has no choice but to apologize and immediately leave the record of him.” And “for a deputy to simulate a shot, an execution, while the president is speaking in the plenary session of the Assembly is completely intolerable.”

The president, for her part, delegated the decision to the Assembly. “I think it has to be a decision of the Legislature, of the Chamber itself.. And I am not going to give it much more importance on my part”, than “whatever the president of the Assembly decides”, Enrique Ossorio. For Ayuso, “the best” was the explanation that Más Madrid gave after what happened. According to the training led by Manuela Bergerothis deputy “was overcome with rage” at Ayuso’s “insensitivity” over the deaths of children in Israel.

And according to Padilla’s excuse on social networks, his gesture was not directed against the head of the regional Executive. “What I have done while Ayuso justified the genocide is the gesture of Israel’s snipers murdering 14,000 children. My gesture is an anecdote, Netanyahu’s action is genocide. I wish the PP would be half as indignant with him as with me,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

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