They try to determine if the explosion in which a mother and son with autism died was intentional

Dramatic: Justice is trying to clarify the deaths of a mother and her little 6-year-old son with autism in Laferrere that occurred as a result of an intentional explosion in the home where they lived. As the expertise progresses, The woman’s ex-husband and the child’s father are detainedon whom the worst suspicions weigh.

The fact It happened on Paso Itu Street at 2300, almost on the corner of Comodoro Py. The first thing that was reported in a 911 call was the fire in a house and the rapid police and fire presence confirmed the double discovery of the lifeless bodies of mother and son.

That farm was inhabited by Macarena Sorrentino (37) with her little son León Fernández Sorrentino (6). The father of the minor and the woman’s ex-partner was in the front part of the house attending to the hardware store on his property, so This is the main suspect in the double crime. This is what prosecutor Matías Folino, of the UFI Thematic Homicides of La Matanza, charges, at least, who requested the arrest of Pedro León Fernández, the accused as the author of the incident.

In principle, as Primer Plano Online learned from research sources, The accusation against him is for the fire, although it has not yet been determined whether it was intentional or accidental. That is what must be established first to advance a formal accusation: a team of specialists was summoned to assess the home. The cover of the case at this time is illegal coercive deprivation of liberty followed by death.

There were previous complaints of gender violence and she was a psychiatric patient. Like any similar case, it is necessary to gather the entire evidentiary framework to clarify what happened,” said an investigation source consulted by Primer Plano Online. For now, Judge Carina Andrijasevich, of the Guarantee Court No. 6 of La Matanza, validated Fernández’s detention.

Pedro León Fernández, Macarena’s ex-husband and León’s father, is detained, accused of being the author of the incident.

Both victims were locked in the house. That is why the hypothesis is that this action was on purpose, but it must be proven who carried it out. When the explosion occurred, mother and son died from poisoning after inhaling carbon monoxide,” the spokespersons stated. The autopsies of Macarena and León will be carried out today, Saturday.

The pollution in that place was impressive.“, defined another researcher who was present in the house and still suffers aftereffects in his body. There are not many options: either there was prior manipulation or the cause of the accident was a gas leak. Experts have been working on the farm since yesterday to find elements that will allow them to determine with certainty what happened.

For now, relatives and friends of the victims accuse Fernández directly of being the author of the double crime and will demonstrate in the next few hours to demand justice. “We ask for justice for Macarena and León, both disabled, who were set on fire in their house,” they expressed in various messages.

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