the increases that arrive in June – El Marplatense

the increases that arrive in June – El Marplatense
the increases that arrive in June – El Marplatense

While inflation continues to decline according to the figures reported monthly by the INDEC, During June there will be increases in various products and services that seem to put a stop to the trend that is marking the index. With the increase in gasoline prices evident since this morning, the sixth month of the year comes with several increases “under the arm.”

It is recalled that the Government decided to update the Tax on Liquid Fuels (ICL) and the Carbon Dioxide Tax (IDC) since June 1, plus between 2 and 3% added by oil companies, so lThe prices of gasoline and diesel rose this morning between 4.5 and 5%.

As for the private schools, it was known yesterday that in the province of Buenos Aires the fees will increase by 7.5%, a percentage that they considered “insufficient.” Establishments that have 100% state aid can charge a tariff cap of $18,760 at the initial and primary level, $20,680 at the secondary level and $23,840 at technical, agricultural and art-specialized secondary schools.

For their part, those who have 80% subsidy have a ceiling for initial and primary education of $34,610; and those of 40% one of $84,770 for that same level.

There will also be increases in the rates of light and gas. The Government created by decree a “Transition Period” to move from generalized subsidies to another one of targeted subsidies. The process begins in June and gives broad powers to the administration of Javier Milei to begin with the increases for the middle class and users. low income.

Although the Secretary of Energy will keep oil prices frozen during June gas and electricity paid by the distribution companies, there may be increases in the users’ bills due to the removal of subsidies, although they will be less than what there would be if the tariff component was not frozen. That is why gas bills are already arriving in several homes with adjustments close to 350%.

As for the rentals, those contracts that have been signed within the framework of the Rental Law will have an increase of 233.7% because the annual price is updated through the Rental Contract Index (ICL). This procedure must be followed until the contract ends, even if the rule has been repealed by Javier Milei. The provision applies to rentals started between July 1, 2020 and October 17, 2023. With this adjustment, if a tenant is currently paying $80,000, they will pay $266,960.

Days ago, the national government made official the new increases for those who travel on the bus service. long distance train. From June, the ticket will cost 30% more and, for example, the trip Mar del Plata to Buenos Aires It will cost between $25,000 and $30,000.

There will also be increases in telephone and cable television. The companies began to anticipate to their clients that they will carry out a new rate adjustment in 2024, with an increase that will be between 8 and 20%, depending on the service and the operator.

As for the prepaidthe big theme of this year, given that the National Court of Appeals in Federal Civil and Commercial Matters He ordered two prepaid companies, with precautionary measures, to recalculate their fees so that the monthly increases are in line with the inflation rates. It is expected that in June adjustments will arrive to the last value released by the INDEC in April, of 8.8 %. This is because the adjustments are made according to the CPI from two months before.

Source: with information from DIB

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