the controversial Russian streamer who sneaked 3 spontaneous players into the Champions final

the controversial Russian streamer who sneaked 3 spontaneous players into the Champions final
the controversial Russian streamer who sneaked 3 spontaneous players into the Champions final

The end of the Champions League between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid It was abruptly interrupted as soon as the match began. When only 20 seconds had been played, the game had to be interrupted because several spontaneous players entered the field of play.

One after another they invaded the grass to the disbelief of the footballers and above all to the incomprehensible passivity of the security forces. It took a long time for those responsible to act and for many seconds the three spontaneous ones were able to strut around the grass with impunity without anyone doing anything at all.

In this case, the spontaneous ones did not claim any social or political cause, as is usually the case, and simply broke into the final to make a very invasive type of advertising. The three young people who jumped onto the field wore t-shirts on which you could read the name of Mellstroy.

This nickname corresponds to a well-known Russian streamer whose real name is Andrey Burim. This content creator is involved in a great controversy due to the type of entertainment he offers. He usually gives his followers dark humor, but he even attacked a friend of his live.

His fame came in 2021. In that broadcast he hit a friend of his, Alena Efremova, 21, with whom he shared the streaming, and caused injuries to her lips and mouth. She denounced him and demanded millions in compensation.

Mellstroy was sentenced by a Russian court for this physical and verbal attack on Efremova, a professional model, and sentenced her to six months of corrective work.

Dortmund players helped stop the spontaneous ones.


All this controversy made some platforms like YouTube, Twitch or Facebook They will expel him and close his official profiles. In this way, he moved to other platforms where he continued with his content as Kick either Trovo.

The following that this content creator has continues to be very high on the internet. Despite having already been condemned for his questionable attitude, many brands continue to come to him to sponsor him with large sums of money.

In fact, it is said that in the year 2023 the assets that this Russian dominated thanks to his work on the different internet platforms would amount to over 7 million dollars.

Mellstroy himself boasted about the ‘feat’ he committed in this Champions League final a few minutes later. On the social network

He did so by responding to a message in which a photo of one of the spontaneous performers at Wembley was seen, in a clear attitude of mockery towards what had just happened in one of the most followed shows in the world.

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