Elections 2024: Where to see the PREP results? – The Western

Elections 2024: Where to see the PREP results? – The Western
Elections 2024: Where to see the PREP results? – The Western

June 2nd arrived and millions of Mexicans go to the boxes to issue your vote by whom will occupy the Presidency of the Republic as well as for senators, councils and city councils at the national level.

It is expected that the electoral exercise will pass calmly and that the participation of Mexicans will be active.

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Regarding Jalisco, 1 governorship, 38 local councils, 125 municipal presidencies, 125 unions and 1,231 councilors will be elected.

While the people of Nayarit, in addition to voting for who will occupy the Presidency of Mexico, must vote for 30 local councils, 20 municipal Presidencies, 20 syndicates and 200 councillors.

Finally, in Colima, 25 local councils, 10 municipal presidencies, 10 councils and 94 councilors will be elected.

What is PREP?

After Mexicans cast their votes, they will be counted and recorded in the PREP (Preliminary Results Program), a system that announces the preliminary results of the elections, through the capture and publication of the data captured by the poll officials in the tally and counting records of the polls that are received at the Data Collection and Transmission Centers (CATD).

This program allows the preliminary results of the elections to be announced, in real time over the Internet, on the same night of Election Day. This is one of the electoral information mechanisms contemplated in the General Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures.

What is PREP not?

According to the website of the National Electoral Institute (INE), the PREP does not count votes, it only captures and publishes the information recorded in the scrutiny and counting records by citizens who participate as polling station officials.

It should be noted that the representatives of the political parties have a copy of said minutes, which allows them to compare the data published by the PREP. The results presented there are preliminary, have an informative nature and are not definitive.

It is not a calculation of results from statistical estimates or projections based on a sample.

It is not an exit poll where people leaving the polls are interviewed about their vote cast.

It is not a quick count, in which once the vote is closed, the results of certain previously selected boxes are compiled to estimate the result.

It is not the final result of the vote nor does it replace the district counts, which begin the Wednesday following election day and are what determine the electoral results.

Do you want to know the minute by minute of the elections? We invite you to click → https://tinyurl.com/5h6nd9bf

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