Evo Morales and Alberto Fernández arrive in Mexico to monitor the elections

Evo Morales and Alberto Fernández arrive in Mexico to monitor the elections
Evo Morales and Alberto Fernández arrive in Mexico to monitor the elections

The former presidents Evo Morales, from Boliviaand Alberto Fernandez, from Argentinaarrived in Mexico yesterday Saturday to be international electoral observers in the Mexico elections.

“We arrived in Mexico to accompany our Mexican sisters and brothers in the national elections of this beloved and strange Patria, invited by the Morena political partyEvo said in a post on X.

“As a Latin American, I feel proud to visit the land led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who culminates an excellent administration characterized by peace and social justice”.

Later he published a photograph where he is seen with former president Alberto Fernández and Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.

“We are sure that tomorrow we will witness a democratic party”said Morales, who also thanked the Mexican Government for giving him political asylum in 2019.

“I keep in mind my deep gratitude to the Mexican People and to the President for providing us political asylum and saving our lives after the Coup d’état in 2019”.

Fernández and Morales are part of a delegation sent by the Puebla Group to observe the elections in Mexico this June 2.

The group is made up of around 170 members from various countries, including leaders, former vice presidents, as well as the Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena. The Puebla Group receives its name because it was created in that city of the country.

With information from Reform.


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