This is how ‘Alito’ Moreno, president of the PRI, voted in these elections: “The country comes first”

Alito Moreno exercising his right to vote. Credit: X|@alitomorenoc

This Sunday June 2 are carried out elections largest and most significant in the history of MexicoWell, in addition to the fact that they are at stake more than 20 thousand federal and local positionsour country for the first time could have a female presidentsince the candidates Claudia Sheinbaum Brown and Xochitl Galvez Ruiz have remained leaders throughout the campaigns.

While the former head of Government of CDMX is promoted by the Let’s Keep Making History alliance, made up of Brunette and the Labor parties (P.T.) and Green Ecologist of Mexico (PVEM), the licensed senator is the standard bearer of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition between the National Action parties (BREAD), Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) and the Democratic Revolution (PRD). The third contender, although far from both, is the federal deputy Jorge Álvarez Máynezfrom Citizen Movement (MC).

Alexander ‘Alito’ Moreno Cárdenas, national president of the PRI, one of the parties that makes up the opposition alliance, shared a video on social networks in which he invited us to change the course of our country while heading to where he would vote:

‘Alito’ Moreno, national president of the PRI, heads to vote. CreditFB|Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas:

Minutes later, he cast his vote in Mexico City and predicted a good result for Mexico. It is important to mention that the PRI is multi-member candidate for the Senate for the PRI and it is almost a fact that he will win a seat since he heads the list of candidates for proportional representation.

Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas has been PRI member since 1991. In 2003 he was a deputy and three years later he reached the Senate; In 2012 he was again elected as a deputy and three years later he was elected governor of his native Campechea position he held until 2019, when he was anointed as national president of the PRI, since 2021 he has alternated with a federal deputy. Now, he is a candidate again, but for a seat in the Senate of the Republic.

Alito Moreno exercising his right to vote. Credit: X|@alitomorenoc
Alito Moreno exercising his right to vote. Credit: X|@alitomorenoc

The last three years have been complicated for the tricolor, which for many years was the hegemonic party. The leadership of ‘Alito’ Moreno – which comes to an end this year – has been severely questioned by its militants for giving in to the PAN – with which it maintains a constant alliance -, for leaving the ground ready for Morena’s ascension and for centralizing decisions within the PRI, prioritizing its interests.

In recent months there has been a rout nothing inconsiderable of figures who at the time were decisive for the PRI, some they resigned but others were driven out for its proximity to the call AMLO’s 4T such as: Quirino Ordaz, Carlos Miguel Aysa, Claudia Pavlovich, Omar Fayad, Eruviel Avila, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, Alejandro Murat, Adrian Rubalcava, Hector Astudillo and less than a week before the elections, Alejandra del Moralwho was a leader of the PRI in Edomex.

The common denominator that motivated the departure of these established PRI members is one: the management of Moreno Cárdenas at the head of the PRI. Decisions based on submission to the president of the party, lack of debate and dialogue, a superb leadership that does not give results and violates the rights of its militants, speeches of fear and hate as an electoral strategy, are some of the reasons listed by former PRI members who have joined parties such as Morena, the Green Ecologist of Mexico and Movimiento Ciudadano.

In this regard, ‘Alito’ Moreno has limited himself to saying that they are politicians ungrateful, traitors and several of them even accused them of favor Morena’s victories in their respective states. “It doesn’t affect us at all because PRI militancy is solid and working. The true PRI members are in the party in good times and bad (…) When the ship begins to sink, who are the first to flee? The rats. Now imagine that they are going to the ship that is sinking, we are going to win,” she said just this week after the resignation of Alejandra del Moral.

Alito Moreno, Jesús Zambrano and Marko Cortés reaffirmed this year the PRI-PRD-PAN alliance. Photo: X/@prdmexico
Alito Moreno, Jesús Zambrano and Marko Cortés reaffirmed this year the PRI-PRD-PAN alliance. Photo: X/@prdmexico
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