Elections in Mexico 2024: how to consult the quick count and the PREP live?

Elections in Mexico 2024: how to consult the quick count and the PREP live?
Elections in Mexico 2024: how to consult the quick count and the PREP live?

This June 2, the elections are taking place in Mexico, highlighting that the most important position that will be elected will be that of the new president of the Mexican Republic, so here We share with you how you can consult the results of the quick count and the PREP, which indicate the trends that exist in this electoral process.

Follow LIVE the process of the Elections in Mexico 2024

The selection of more than 19 thousand positions in total, especially highlighting the election of governors in the states of Chiapas, Mexico City, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Morelos, Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatán.

Check the quick count and PREP

The PREP, the INE tool, It makes it possible to instantly obtain the preliminary results of the vote from the night of election day itself.

The PREP begins its operation at 8:00 p.m. on June 2, moment from which it is available for online consultation. To do this, simply access the official PREP website. Once the PREP is running, the page will be constantly updated, allowing you to view the results in real time.

While the quick count will be released tonightthrough AS México we will update you when the trends in these results are reported.

The differences between quick counting and PREP

The quick count and the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP) They are two different processes used in Mexican elections, to provide information about the election results quickly and preliminarily. Here we share their main differences:

Quick Count

  • It is a statistical method designed to provide a quick estimate and reliable results of an election.
  • It is based on a representative sample of the voting recordsselected in a random and stratified manner, to predict the general result of the election.
  • It is carried out on the day of the election and seeks to give a reliable projection of the final results before the official counting is completed.
  • Its main objective is to provide early information on the trend of electoral results, but they are not the official results.

PREP (Preliminary Election Results Program)

  • It is a system designed to publish preliminary election results as the voting records are tallied.
  • Displays box-level results as they are received and processed, allowing citizens and political parties to follow the progress of the scrutiny in real time.
  • The PREP data is preliminary and may change as the official scrutiny progresses. Therefore, they are not final results and may be subject to change.
  • The PREP provides transparency to the electoral process and allows irregularities to be detected or inconsistencies in preliminary data that may require further review.

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