They publish Morena’s exit poll that gives victory to Rocío Nahle

They publish Morena’s exit poll that gives victory to Rocío Nahle
They publish Morena’s exit poll that gives victory to Rocío Nahle

The state leadership of Brunette In Veracruz it published an exit poll just in the middle of the election day, giving its candidate, Rocío Nahle García, the winner of the election for state governor, which means a flagrant violation of the electoral law.

At the table General Council of the Local Electoral Public Bodythe representatives of the opposition parties demanded that this fact be investigated and that the dissemination of the results issued by the company cease. EXI POLL.

The representatives of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and of Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Guadalupe Salmones and Silvio Lagos, respectively, called for estrangement from the political party.

And the thing is, the press area of Brunette in the State, led by Alberto Buitrón, disseminated the exit survey with the following message.

“Exit poll gives victory to Rocío Nahle… Exit poll at midday on Sunday, June 2, gives Rocío Nahle García as the winner, candidate for governor for the “Let’s Keep Making History” coalition with an effective vote that is around between 54 and 56% of the votes”

The PRD representative described this fact as a lack of respect for the citizens who continued to line up at the polls to be able to cast their vote.

Meanwhile, the representative of BrunetteGabriel Zúñiga, was unaware of the “exit survey” and assured that currently anyone can create a chat and say that they are spreading it.

“Let the vote continue. It’s one thirty in the afternoon, there are 4 and a half hours left to close the boxes. But to come here and say that the state leadership of Brunette An exit poll has been run, damn, dark-skinned serene people.”the Morenista ironically said.

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