Marta Sánchez’s most intimate confession in ‘Espejo Público’: “It’s hypocrisy”

This Monday Susanna Griso ‘Espejo Público’ began by announcing the highlight of the broadcast: an interview with the singer Marta Sánchez. The artist visited the Antena 3 set to talk about her professional career – almost 40 years – and to promote her upcoming concert on June 19 at the Teatro Albéniz in Madrid.

Marta Sánchez in ‘Public Mirror’

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In the talk with Susanna, Marta confessed some of her most intimate thoughts, such as her somewhat controversial opinion on menopause. The presenter brought up a phrase that the singer uttered at one point in her life to see if her opinion was still the same.

Marta Sánchez in ‘Public Mirror’

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“I don’t like looking old. It seems hypocritical to me to praise menopause as something beautiful,” Marta said at the time. “Do you think we shouldn’t romanticize this stage of life?” Susanna asked. “No, you have to accept it and cope with it as best you know how and as best you can afford. To say that it is a fantastic time is hypocritical because we women don’t like it at all and you lose much more than you gain, that’s how it is,” answered the singer.

“Yeah? I do not have it very clearly, Martha. “Because we were talking before about the mental evolution that you make, right?” Susanna countered. “But the consequences of a menopause have nothing to do with feelings and personal growth, They are different things“, the singer answered again. “(…) It is also true that if I had to choose a stage in my life, I would choose the current one, but without menopause,” the artist ended by saying.

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