this is what your electoral program says

this is what your electoral program says
this is what your electoral program says

In recent days, the name of Alvise Perez It is more popular than ever. The reason behind this phenomenon is due to the numerous news that, based on various polls on the European elections next Sunday, June 9, give to his party (‘The party is over‘) some seat. And although most of the population is getting to know Pérez in this electoral campaign, the truth is that for many he is a old known, especially in the world of politics and social networks.

Luis Pérez Fernández, better known as Alvise Pérez, was born in Seville in 1990 and did not finish his studies in Political Sciences and Public Administration at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He began in the world of politics as a member and volunteer in the extinct UPyDalthough it was in Citizens where his true political journey began.

In 2017 he was appointed chief of staff of the group in the Valencian Courtsenjoying the trust of Toni Canto (with whom he had coincided in UPyD), alternating the work of influencing the actor with a growing popularity on social networks. However, it is after the Ciudadanos debacle that Pérez begins to gain more notable popularity.

The Sevillian, independent of the parties (despite some flirtations with Vox) begins to use his networks (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and especially Telegram) as speakers in which to launch opinions and accusations (many of them unfounded) against various groups: against immigrants, against feminism, against journalists from progressive media and above all against the left-wing ruling class.

Accusations like the one leveled at Manuela Carmena, who claimed (falsely) that he had received a respirator at home during the pandemic to avoid going to a public hospital. Or like the one she unleashed against the “foreign“, responsible for almost 70% of the violations. Alvise is one of the profiles that has most stirred up some of the most recent conspiracy theories, such as the management of the coronavirus. Without going too far, he has also been encouraging the most violent protests of the farmers or the concentrations in front of the headquarters of Ferraz. In fact, Pérez has been convicted on more than one occasion for violating the right to the journalist’s image. Ana Pastor or for disseminating unverified information about the environment Newtral.

For this and other reasons, many call him ‘extreme right agitator’ or ‘spreader of hoaxes’, although he defines himself as ‘The scourge of the corrupt’. But those same reasons have led him to garner almost 500,000 followers on Telegram and almost double that on Instagram. That entire community is what has supported him until he achieved the 15,000 signatures needed with which to run in the European elections and that entire community is what can lift him to the seat in the European Parliament.

What does your electoral program say?

The party created by Alvise Pérez, ‘The party is over’, does not have an electoral program.

However, the content creator and political candidate focuses his political discourse on combating the alleged corruption of parties, regardless of their color (despite the fact that his messages fall within the discourse of the extreme right). “What interests us is corruption and we don’t care what color he wears.”

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