Who is Carlos Ahumada, the businessman arrested in Panama for fraud

The Mexican-Argentine businessman Carlos Ahumada Kurts He was arrested in Panama, the early morning of June 7, when trying to pass through an immigration checkpoint at the Tocumen airport, as confirmed to cnn the press chief of the National Police of that country.

The arrest of Ahumada Kurts is following a Interpol red card which was issued based on arrest warrants issued in Mexico.

Diplomatic sources confirmed that the Mexican authorities maintain communication with their Panamanian counterparts, to determine in the next few hours the procedure to follow.

Until this June 8, Mexico has not processed the request provisional arrest warrant for extradition purposes. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) told journalists that it will not comment for the moment “since it is a case in progress.”

Photo archive Cuartoscuro

What is Carlos Ahumada accused of?

The Argentine businessman has pending two arrest warrants in Mexicoone from the common jurisdiction and the other federal.

The first was issued in 2007 for the crime of fraud and the second in 2019 for alleged tax fraud of 1 million 647 thousand 236 pesos, due to the omission to pay income tax (ISR) in the year 2012.

In August 2020, the National Criminal and Federal Correctional Court Number 9 in Buenos Aires denied the extradition of Ahumada to Mexico for the case of tax fraud.

However, in December of the same year, the Attorney General’s Office, through the Foreign Ministry, processed the second extradition request for the crime of fraud.

A year later, the National Criminal Court number 9 of Buenos Aires declared the surrender of the fugitive to Mexico appropriate.

In 2004, Ahumada was the detonator of the video scandals that led to prison for close collaborators of the then Head of Government Andrés Manuel López Obrador, such as René Bejarano and Gustavo Ponce.

In the video, it is Ahumada who gives the bills to Bejarano.

Bejarano then said that he received the money to finance campaigns on the orders of Rosario Robles, who led the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) from 2002 to 2003.

Robles rejected the allegations of Bejarano, who went to prison for money laundering and in 2005 was acquitted by a court due to lack of evidence.

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