Now, rebuild the coalition | European elections 2024 | News

Now, rebuild the coalition | European elections 2024 | News
Now, rebuild the coalition | European elections 2024 | News

The result of the European elections removes the hypothesis of an electoral advance, although always with the door open to a change of perspective due to the Catalan portfolio or any unforeseen situation. Since last night, the socialist leader has once again donned the suit of full-time president, interrupted since the legislature began, just eight months ago, for three electoral processes. Now, to govern. And, as a first point, rebuild the relationship with Sumar and resume what began after last year’s elections: the coalition government.

The political force led by Yolanda Díaz will necessarily have to abandon the daily struggle with the socialist part of the Government and return to negotiation and the pact. Sumar, also the PSOE, can try to function with greater serenity and abandon the state of continuous anxiety, given the absence of elections on the horizon.

The management, the proposals, the initiatives will once again be the fuel of this Government. Nothing is more desirable for the PSOE than that the internal problems that Sumar has to face do not disturb the progress of the coalition. It doesn’t hurt, however, that Sumar cannot exhibit the strength he would like to twist the arm of the socialist side in projects and initiatives. Pedro Sánchez has not been beaten by the voters, as Sumar has noted, but rather he shows solid ground; much more than Sumar, who cannot detach himself from Podemos as much as he would like. Perhaps the most pressing problem is the expulsion of Izquierda Unida from the European Parliament for not obtaining the fourth seat, which is the position in which it was in the candidacy against its will.

Learning to live with the internal anxiety that Sumar will necessarily suffer will be compensated in governance by the reinforcement of Pedro Sánchez, both as leader of his party – he continues to be strengthened – and at the head of the coalition. The result of ERC (in coalition with EH Bildu and BNG), ahead of Junts, is another favorable element for the Government, with its sights set on governing the nation.

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