Fabiana Cantilo’s anger in the middle of a live show at La Peña de Morfi that went viral: “They cut me off”

Fabiana Cantilo’s anger in the middle of a live show at La Peña de Morfi that went viral: “They cut me off”
Fabiana Cantilo’s anger in the middle of a live show at La Peña de Morfi that went viral: “They cut me off”

Fabiana Cantilo’s annoyance in the middle of the program (Video: La Peña de Morfi – Telefe)

La Peña de Morfi (Telefe) has stood out for giving artists their place to show off their talent and their beginnings when Gerardo Rozín drove it. In its new edition, under the command of Diego Leuco and Lizy Tagliani, the program continues its legacy. In this opportunity was a guest Fabiana Cantilowho suffered an accident in the middle of the broadcast.

After performing the first song of the afternoon, the composer prepared to begin singing the verses of another song. With the microphone in hand, she warmed up her voice, but it was never heard by the device. “They cut me, they cut me, they cut me here, I don’t like this…”said the artist, upset at not being heard on the air. Given what happened, a sound engineer told her that everything was working well, so she wouldn’t have any problems hearing herself live.

“My voice is not there, the microphone is not there”, the singer retorted, while testing the device to see if it worked again. Only a few seconds passed when her expression changed and she commented: “Ah, here it is. I don’t know why they cut it off, you monster!.

Fabiana Cantilo had her microphone cut off in La Peña de Morfi and her anger went viral on the networks (Photo: La Peña de Morfi, Telefe)

The moment that the guest of the series starred in did not take long to cause a stir on social networks and especially on the platform xpreviously known as Twitter. More than one came out in defense of Fabiana, who has a long career in national rock.

“You can’t screw with Fabi”, “it’s part of his style, it was great”, “I don’t see bad vibes, I see a rock lady demanding a good return”“the 1 of Argentine rock is right”, “it’s Fabi being Fabi”, “You’re right, she’s an artist.””, “it is normal when an artist is demanding”, “she is a professional and has been singing for decades. when in the middle of a live broadcast they cut off the audio”, “What do you want? Make her happy?”, were some of the many comments that users left when the video went viral.

Fabiana Cantilo explained how the harassment situation she is experiencing continues (Agarrate Catalina – La Once Diez/Radio de la Ciudad)

Just a few months ago, Fabiana Cantilo spoke with an open heart about the distressing moment she went through for a man who did not leave her alone. He once again dared to speak about it, placing great emphasis on the delay of Justice in this type of situation and, also, referring to the measure he took in this regard.

In dialogue with Catalina Dlugi in her program Hold on Catalina (La Once Diez/Radio de la Ciudad), the interpreter of “My illness” answered all the questions regarding her situation and how she lives after making the complaint. “There is an institution for harassed women, who recently advised me. I have an anti-panic button, maybe this is a man who doesn’t show up all the time, from time to time.”

Holding that line, The singer-songwriter took the opportunity to encourage other women who are suffering from a similar situation.: “They have to report. Don’t be afraid, you have to report because ultimately, I know it is slow, but there is no justice.” Her comment surprised the host, who couldn’t help but point out how happy she was compared to the last time they chatted, to which Fabiana pointed out that “it took a long time,” alluding to the body in charge of these types of cases. .

Fabiana Cantilo said that she has a stalker:
Fabiana Cantilo said that she has a stalker: “The guy has a perimeter and he doesn’t have the brains to understand that he doesn’t have to come to my house”

It is worth mentioning that in mid-April it was a different scenario for Fito Paéz’s ex-partnerwho appeared anguished through her stories of instagram. “I’m living in a shitty situation… The stalker returned. He had already come back a couple of times and I don’t give a damn, but my hair swelled… Everything is under the lawyer, judge and prosecutor. The guy has a perimeter and He doesn’t have the brains to understand that he doesn’t have to come to my house.and yesterday he was filming my house,” he noted at the time.

Furthermore, he highlighted how slow Justice is and that “Women cannot defend themselves.” “I say this for all those women who do not dare to report. Report, it is the only way for Justice to change. We are asking for a change for safety, at least for the women who report harassment. “It’s slow… I have two lawyers, friends who help me, cameras,” she commented regarding the man who harassed her in her home a decade ago, where she left him gifts despite the perimeter fence that she requested.

Angered by the situation that both she and other people have been exposed to, she concluded: “I have to learn from this, but also I understand that it is time for my hair to stop breaking…and to be able to live in my house in peace, as all women want. Don’t let them harass us, don’t abuse us, don’t rape us or touch us.”.

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