Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 10 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 10 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world
Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 10 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

JUNE 10 (11)

In the anniversaries of June 10 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1829. The first Argentine command in the Falkland Islands

Luis Vernet takes over as First Political and Military Commander in the Malvinas Islands and undertakes to comply with Argentine legislation. He held the position until a few months before the British occupation of 1833.. On the same day, but in 1770, the Spanish authorities ordered the eviction of the English who had arrived in the archipelago. June 10, 1829 is remembered as Day of Affirmation of Argentine Rights over the Malvinas, Islands and Antarctic Sector.

1934. Italy wins the World Cup ahead of Mussolini

Italy defeats Czechoslovakia 2 to 1 in Rome, and obtains the second world cup football, the first disputed in Europe. The tournament is marked by the imprint of fascism. Benito Mussolini used the Cup as propaganda.

1941. Graciela Borges is born

Graciela Noemí Zabala, better known as Graciela Borges, is born. One of the emblematic faces of Argentine cinema, the actress debuted on Bossin 1958. She was seen in films by Leopoldo Torre Nilson and stood out in Dependentby Leonardo Favio. In the 70s she starred Chronicle of a lady, The revolution, Triangle of four, Alone and The hell so feared. In the 80s they came angelic pubes, The Garden Passengers and Poor butterfly. In the 90s, she led the cast of Funes, a great love. Closer in time she was seen in The swamp and in The tale of the weasels. Among other awards, she received the Silver Condor and is an Illustrious Citizen of the City of Buenos Aires..

1942. The Lídice massacre

The Nazis devastate the town of Lídice, in the territory of the current Czech Republic. The massacre is a retaliation for the death of Reinhard Heydrich, the leader of the Third Reich killed by the Czech resistance and in turn one of the main ideologues of the Holocaust. 173 men, the entire male population over fifteen years of age, are executed. 184 women and 88 children are deported to concentration camps. After the war, 153 women and 17 boys returned to the town..

1967. Goodbye to Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy, iconic face of classic Hollywood, dies in Los Angeles at age 67. A few days before I had finished filming Guess who’s coming to dinnerwhich earned him his ninth and final Oscar nomination for best actor, posthumously. He won the statuette in consecutive years for fearless captains (1937) and Forge of men (1938). She acted in films like The bride’s father, Adam’s rib, Conspiracy of silence, The old man and the sea, You will inherit the wind, The Nuremberg Trial and The world is crazy, crazy, crazy. He had a long relationship with Katharine Hepburn.

1967. The Six Day War ends

The Six-Day War concludes, with a crushing victory for Israel. The result of the conflict drastically changes the map of the Middle East and its consequences reach the present. On June 5, 1967, the third war between Israel and its Arab neighbors began, after the 1948 war and the Suez Canal dispute (1956).. That day, Israel launches a preemptive attack against Egyptian bases. Tension had accumulated in the previous days with Egypt’s request to the UN for Israel to abandon the Sinai, to which is added the blockade of the Straits of Tiran ordered by President Gamal Abdel Nasser. The alliance of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq responds on June 6 with attacks on Jerusalem and Netanya. Israeli military power cannot be controlled: between June 9 and 10, its troops occupy the Golan Heights. Israel abides by the UN ceasefire on the 10th. In total, 23,000 Arab coalition soldiers die, against almost 800 Israeli casualties. The State of Israel more than doubles its surface by completely occupying the Sinai Peninsula (which it will only return to Egypt with the Camp David agreements in 1978), the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

1982. Rainer Werner Fassbinder dies

Rainer Werner Fassbinder, the most prominent German filmmaker of the postwar period, dies at the age of 37. Despite his youth, he leaves behind a lush filmography. Movies like Attention to that beloved prostitute and The bitter tears of Petra Kant They attracted attention, as did the TV film Martha and the series Eight hours don’t make a daybut the consecration came in 1978 with The marriage of María Braun. In 1980 he adapted the novel for television Berlin Alexanderplatzby Alfred Doblin. His last films were Veronika Voss’ anxietywith which he won the Berlin Film Festival; and Complaintbased on the novel by Jean Genet.

1988. Raquel Forner dies

Raquel Forner, one of the most notable visual artists of the 20th century in the country, dies at the age of 86. He went from naturalism to expressionism and accompanied the writers of the Florida Group.

1990. Alberto Fujimori wins the presidency of Peru

Alberto Fujimori defeats the writer Mario Vargas Llosa in the ballot that consecrates him president of Peru. The Cambio 90 candidate, whom no one gave a chance before the campaign, obtains 62 percent of the votes. Vargas Llosa had run for the Democratic Front, a right-wing alliance, after military against the government of Alan García and his project to nationalize the banks. Despite the support of the establishment and being the most voted in the first round, he falls to someone who will impose a government with economic recipes similar to those of his rival, who returns to literature. Fujimori imposes a dictatorship since the dissolution of Congress in 1992 until its fall in 2000; Still, Vargas Llosa supported his daughter Keiko in the 2021 second round.

2004. Ray Charles dies

Ray Charles, one of the most important soul musicians, dies at the age of 73. He was born in Georgia in 1930 and lost his sight at the age of seven due to glaucoma. Despite his blindness, he studied piano and saxophone. Artists such as Frank Sinatra and Billy Joel were full of praise when it came to highlighting Charles’ importance and influence. His enormous discography made the magazine Rolling Stone will place him tenth on his list of the best artists of all timeand who considered him the best male singer in history and the second among men and women, only behind Aretha Franklin. The year of his death the biographical film was released Raywhich won Jamie Foxx the Oscar.

2011. The launch of the largest Argentine satellite into orbit

The SAC-D Aquarius, the largest satellite built in Argentina, is launched into orbit. The Delta II rocket takes off from the Vandenberg base in California with the satellite, within the framework of a joint mission between Conae and NASA, in which More than 200 Argentine scientists participated. The date is remembered as National Day of Space Scientific and Technological Development.

In addition, they commemorate the World Modernism Day and the International Heraldry Day.

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