MML will close a section of Alfonso Ugarte Avenue for works: since when and what is the detour plan?

MML will close a section of Alfonso Ugarte Avenue for works: since when and what is the detour plan?
MML will close a section of Alfonso Ugarte Avenue for works: since when and what is the detour plan?

According to the commune, this work will improve access to the Alberto Gallardo stadium – MML credit

The Municipality of Lima announced that this Friday, June 14, work will begin to repair tracks and sidewalks on the access road to Alfonso Ugarte Avenue, in the Lima fence. This part borders the Alberto Gallardo stadium, Sporting Cristaland it is where the Metropolitan.

To carry out these tasks, which will culminate in the Bolognesi Square, the track will be partially closed, from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. the next day. The measure will begin on the 14th and will end on Friday, June 28.

It is also planned to reinforce road signs, install bars and plant green areas. The commune affirms that this will benefit drivers arriving from the north of the city and heading towards Breña, El Cercado and other nearby districts. In addition, it will facilitate access for people who come to the Sporting Cristal colossus.

The total work on Alfonso Ugarte Avenue will last 60 calendar days, indicated Emape - MML credit
The total work on Alfonso Ugarte Avenue will last 60 calendar days, indicated Emape – MML credit

On the other hand, in the 2.8 kilometers of the Alfonso Ugarte Avenue, Sidewalks will be repaired in some sections and horizontal signage and curbs will be painted, in addition to the installation of vertical signs and reflective studs. The total term of the work is 60 calendar days.

“There will not be a total closure, but the intervention will be by lanes. The works will be carried out at night to avoid harming drivers. That is why we recommend not traveling on this road at night and, if it is unavoidable, do so at 30 kilometers per hour,” explained the general manager of Emape (Municipal Company to Support Strategic Projects), Carlos Peña. As for the diversion plan, it will be applied in two ways:

  • Direction west – east: take the left lane to access Alfonso Ugarte Avenue.
  • Direction east – west: take the right lane to access Alfonso Ugarte Avenue.
The Municipality of Lima will also carry out signage painting works on Alfonso Ugarte Avenue - MML credit
The Municipality of Lima will also carry out signage painting works on Alfonso Ugarte Avenue – MML credit

The Municipality of Barranco enabled a two-way lane on the green Coastfrom the esplanade of Chorrillos to the height of the Cala restaurant, to alleviate the traffic chaos generated by the temporary closure of the section between Agua Dulce beach and the Descent of Armendariz.

This measure was adopted due to restoration work on a historic bridge damaged by the impact of a cargo truck the previous Saturday.

According to the Barranco citizen security manager, Miguel Navarretethe opening of this two-way lane will be crucial to decongest the main streets of Chorrillos and Barranco, which were saturated with traffic.

The District Municipality It was also forced to implement a detour plan to mitigate the impact on vehicular traffic in the district.

Partial closure of the Costa Verde due to damage to the historic Barranco bridge | Andina/GianJesús (X)
Partial closure of the Costa Verde due to damage to the historic Barranco bridge | Andina/GianJesús (X)

The closing of the green Coast It was initially extended for four days, but due to the severity of the structural damage, this period was extended to 14, according to Emape.

The closure has affected private vehicles, taxis and public transportation, forcing them to find alternative routes and face possible economic losses.

Navarrete explained that the measure seeks to avoid more congestion in Ravine, which does not have sufficient capacity in its avenues and streets for the volume of traffic diverted from the Costa Verde. The deputy mayor of Chorrillos mentioned that they will receive about 40 thousand cars during peak hours, so this situation is considered very complicated for the district’s road infrastructure.

Through a statement, the Municipality of Barranco reported that the truck driver was arrested and will face legal proceedings for the damage caused to the historic bridge known as the Baths Descent.

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