Crossing of versions on the call for an indefinite national strike by Fecode: discussion continues at the union meeting

Crossing of versions on the call for an indefinite national strike by Fecode: discussion continues at the union meeting
Crossing of versions on the call for an indefinite national strike by Fecode: discussion continues at the union meeting

The country’s teachers will go on strike, given the advancement of the statutory education law – credit Mariano Vimos/Colprensa

The Colombian Federation of Educators (Fecode) would be close to confirming that it would go on an indefinite national strike. The union organization board would have made the decision on Monday, June 10, to cease activities throughout the national territory, starting on Wednesday, June 12, which would affect the academic calendar in official educational institutions, whose first semester was about to end. .

According to the information of W Radio, Fecode declared person non grata to the head of the Ministry of Education, Aurora Vergara, after the draft statutory law being processed in the Congress of the Republic was advanced. However, the union denied the information disclosed by said media, stating that the meeting was still in development and that there was no balance.

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“That’s not true. No more misinformation. At this moment the Board is developing and, once it is finished, we will send official reports from Fecode”, was read on the X account (formerly Twitter) of the federation, thereby confronting what was stated by the aforementioned media. , which generated a stir on social networks, given the impact that a possible strike by Colombian teachers would have.

With this publication, the National Federation of Educators (Fecode) denied information about the national strike - credit @fecode/X
With this publication, the National Federation of Educators (Fecode) denied information about the national strike – credit @fecode/X

Although the teachers’ group did not confirm whether, in fact, the board’s decision was to go on a national strike, some national branches chose to call on their members to stop their activities. One of them is the Santander Educators Union, which will be on strike on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12, in protest against problems in the provision of health services.

One of the reasons that have been expressed by Fecode itself is that the statutory bill would no longer represent the interests of the teaching community, after the amendments that were agreed upon in the First Commission of the Senate. “It is a risk for public education, promotes commercialization, privatization and makes corruption viable.“said the union.

Fecode showed its disagreement with the consensus reached by Gustavo Petro's Government to save the education reform project - credit Jesús Avilés/Infobae
Fecode showed its disagreement with the consensus reached by Gustavo Petro’s Government to save the education reform project – credit Jesús Avilés/Infobae

Faced with this situation, Fecode has called on the Senate and the Chamber, as well as what they called the social, popular, cultural, environmental and academic sectors, in addition to the indigenous, peasant, student and university movements, “to close ranks to defend the “Colombian Public Education as a common good and fundamental right.” Without this confirming the call for strike.

And for the Colombian federation that brings together teachers Education “must be free, universal, attended to, guaranteed and administered directly by the State.” Therefore, he expressed his disagreement with projects that are not directed in this sense; despite the fact that the opposition sectors highlighted the intention to reach consensus so that the state initiative is approved.

“President, while you spent your time insulting me yesterday, your congressmen, your minister, our party and others, we build a National Agreement on how to improve our education. We managed to move forward with the reform you presented, including important changes that were fully agreed upon and approved unanimously,” commented Senator David Luna, on June 6.

If the imminent strike by this union is confirmed, after the scheduled virtual meeting, it would affect more than eight million students from public institutions in Colombia, who would be left without watching classes. A situation that would further aggravate the situation that the sector is going through, which would seek greater funding to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents.

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