Videos show house about to fall into estuary due to rising water in Quillón | National


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The intense frontal system wreaks havoc in Quillón, Ñuble region. A house in the Alto Culturía sector is on the verge of falling into an estuary due to the rising flow, also causing the fall of a bridge in the area. On the other hand, several houses in the Canchillas rural sector are flooded due to heavy rains. Ñuble remains on Yellow Alert with classes suspended, including in the “Disaster Zone” from Coquimbo to that region, due to the seriousness of the situation.

Developed by BioBioChile

The intense frontal system gives no respite in the south-central area of ​​the country. Now, in the commune of Quillón, Ñuble region, A house was captured about to fall into an estuary due to the rising flow.

According to information collected by BioBioChilethis is a situation that occurs in the Alto Culturía sector, where the fall of a bridge that connects that town with Route N-48 was also recorded.

When consulted with the municipality, they explained that the imminent collapse of housing towards the Coyanco estuary, would be due to the erosion of the land due to heavy rains, both fluvial and pluvial.

In the videos shared to Radio Bío Bíois observed at house being shaken by the strong current of the flowsince the property is located with an important part of its structure inserted in the estuary.

Images show house about to fall into estuary due to rising water in Quillón

Furthermore, the municipality clarified that It would be a second home, so the property was unoccupied at the time the incident occurred.. The owners of the house would be from Concepción and would be untraceable for now.

Meanwhile, in the rural Canchillas sector, several houses are flooded due to heavy rainfall.


It is worth mentioning that the Ñuble region is in all its communes under the Yellow Alert measure due to the frontal system, as well as with classes suspended in its educational establishments. In addition, it is also part of the “Disaster Zone” declared by the Government, from Coquimbo to said region.

Images show house about to fall into estuary due to rising water in Quillón
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