Belén Estévez confirms outings with Congressman Diego Bazán: “They will continue to see me with him”

Belén Estévez confirms outings with Congressman Diego Bazán: “They will continue to see me with him”
Belén Estévez confirms outings with Congressman Diego Bazán: “They will continue to see me with him”

Belén Estévez had a meeting with Congressman Diego Bazán. atv

Belen Estevez She would be giving herself a new chance at love because she was seen with a recent beau, in a restaurant in Miraflores, but it wouldn’t be just any man, it’s the congressman. Diego Bazan, according to the program ‘Magaly TV La Firme’.

According to the images, the politician who is a member of the Renovación Popular political party was very gentlemanly with the Argentine dancer and picked her up from her house and then took her to share a lunch.

Both were seen leaving the prestigious food establishment and then heading to Belén’s house, both spent about 10 minutes inside the parliamentarian’s vehicle and although it cannot be distinguished, Belén would have said goodbye to him with a tender kiss.

Belén Estévez confirms departures with Congressman Diego Bazán. Instagram.

Given this, the reporters of ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ They looked for the former participant of ‘The Great Celebrity Chef’ and they asked him about the images, where he is seen to be very close to the congressman. Estévez did not deny the link and she indicated that her outings with her suitor will be more frequent, stating that she would be willing to get to know him a little more.

The TV figure commented that Diego Bazán had written to his account instagram on many occasions, but a few weeks ago she agreed to give him her phone number and start communicating on WhatsApp.

The 42-year-old dancer commented that the afternoon she was caught with him, both had met for the first time in person, after establishing contact through the aforementioned social network.

“At one point we started talking. Now we have a more fluid conversation, we talk daily. Will we continue dating? Yes. It was the first time we saw each other face to face. He is single and I am single, so there is nothing to hide,” she said very smiling.

In addition, he indicated that he does not rule out that the romantic bond he has with this heartthrob could transform into a serious relationship. “I don’t rule out anything at all. Now we are friends, later? Who knows? I don’t know,” she explained.

On the other hand, he denied that there was a kiss between the two; However, the images of Magaly Medina show a close proximity between the two inside the vehicle of the father of the country, before she gets out of the vehicle.

The Argentine dancer confessed that she likes intelligent men who can establish an interesting conversation with her more than those who have a pretty face. On the other hand, the entertainment program verified that in the National Identity Document (DNI) Diego Bazán, 33 years old, appears as ‘single’.

Belén Estévez confirms departures with Congressman Diego Bazán. ATV.
Belén Estévez confirms departures with Congressman Diego Bazán. ATV.

The program of Magaly Medina revealed that on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 11, Belen Estevez and the congressman Diego Bazan They were seen leaving a restaurant in Miraflores. The information was broadcast by the aforementioned television program on the night of Thursday, June 13.

Belen Estevez, Known for having won several seasons of ‘The Great Show’, she shared on her Instagram stories photographs of the desserts she enjoyed in the company of Diego Bazan.

After leaving the restaurant, the congressman took Belen Estevez to your home. There, the two talked for about ten minutes before saying goodbye for the first time. Outside the vehicle, they said goodbye again.

This event has generated interest due to the possibility that Belen Estevez make your wish to be a mother together with the president of the Parliament’s Ethics Commission National, Diego Bazan. As you remember, two years ago the TV figure froze her eggs so she could become a mother with the man she chose to be the ideal father of her children.

Congressman Diego Bazán and Argentine dancer Belén Estévez were seen leaving a restaurant located in Miraflores. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)
Congressman Diego Bazán and Argentine dancer Belén Estévez were seen leaving a restaurant located in Miraflores. (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)
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