Father’s Day: How fatherhood influences key leadership skills

Father’s Day: How fatherhood influences key leadership skills
Father’s Day: How fatherhood influences key leadership skills

Active listening and patience are fundamental pillars in both parenting and leadership. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The celebration this Sunday of Father’s day There is an opportunity to reflect on the connection between effective parenting and leadership. According to Inc. This Morning, leaders and parents share various practices that not only influence personal development, but also organizational and family success. Below are six practices derived from observations in positive parenting that could be applied to leadership.

Listening: The basis of understanding Listening carefully is a pillar of parenting and leadership. Without active listening, there is a lack of understanding of the needs and concerns of others. A vital point is to avoid one-way conversations and prioritize understanding. According to the media, “Listening attentively and actively communicates visibility and understanding, a silent affirmation that says, ‘I see you.’”. This practice increases trust and strengthens the relationship between leader and team, facilitating informed decision making.

Patience: Compose yourself in the face of adversity Patience and tolerance are crucial qualities for both parents and leaders, especially when dealing with adverse situations or conflicts. In the realm of leadership, especially in small businesses, maintaining composure can resolve concerns and preserve relationships. Patience allows leaders to overcome setbacks and persevere in the face of adverse circumstances, recognizing that success takes time to manifest.

The Effective Parenting Method helps solve behavioral problems in children without resorting to punishments. (Illustrative Image Infobae)
The Effective Parenting Method helps solve behavioral problems in children without resorting to punishments. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Development support: An emotional investment Parents often put their children’s needs before their own well-being, listening, advising and emotionally supporting them, even after long work hours. In the work environment, providing tangible support, whether financial, in terms of opportunities or promotions, and emotional encouragement, can create a nurturing environment. The leaders who “offer tangible support or emotional encouragement contribute significantly to fostering equity and a nurturing environment”.

Model Behaviors: Lead by Example Children and employees trust and respect more those parents or leaders who lead by example. A good leader demonstrates honesty, transparency, responsibility and determination. These behaviors foster trust and credibility within organizations, promoting a positive work environment. This leadership by example is essential to inspiring others through exemplary behavior.

Effective communication: Validate through dialogue Strong communication skills are vital in both parenting and effective leadership. Clearly expressing the vision, objectives and expectations facilitates obtaining desired results and promotes satisfaction. According to the media, “Providing constructive feedback is essential to staying on the right course and fostering personal and professional growth.”.

Clear communication and emotional support are keys to effective leadership, as well as parenting. (Illustrative Image Infobae)
Clear communication and emotional support are keys to effective leadership, as well as parenting. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Empowerment: Delegate to grow Effective leadership involves discerning when to offer help and when to give space. Micromanagement deprives employees and children of a sense of control over their own circumstances. According to Simon Usifo, president of the global creative company 72andSunny Amsterdam“true leadership focuses on empowering others to grow and setting everyone around you up for success.”. This promotes personal and professional growth, in addition to generating a sense of autonomy that is essential for development.

Adoption of positive parenting methods The impact of positive parenting methods also highlights the importance of an empathetic and respectful approach towards children. According to a study published in Health And Addictions In 2017, behavioral problems in children are associated with high levels of punishment. Positive parenting techniques prove to have significant effects on the behavior of parents and, therefore, of minors, promoting environments free of violence and manipulation.

Effective Parenting Method: Transformation in parenting He Effective Parenting Method (EPM), co-created by Gabriela González, is an innovative approach that seeks to improve parent-child relationships without resorting to yelling, hitting, threats or manipulation. González assures that “PEM can help solve global problems such as violence and abandonment, as it changes the obsolete way of education of past generations”. The method is based on strengthening the four foundations of the “healthy self”: confidence, worth, passion and connection, thus improving relationships not only between parents and children, but also on a personal and social level.

  • Parents and guardians will know the number one secret so that their children listen carefully and recognize authority.
  • They are guided at all times to act from love, empathy and mutual respect.
  • They will understand what each misbehavior in students means.
  • They will be able to work on the emotions of the little ones to direct them effectively, no matter how old they are now.
Empowering employees and children promotes their growth and development, strengthening the environment. (Illustrative Image Infobae)
Empowering employees and children promotes their growth and development, strengthening the environment. (Illustrative Image Infobae)
  • They will learn the necessary tools to heal childhood and then be able to understand that of children.
  • They will educate differently, with bond and connection, with loving authority and respect.
  • They will have a deeper connection with their children.
  • They will be able to renew and repair the relationship between parents and children and will result in a stronger and closer relationship.

Recommended literature for parents, according to the newspaper The vanguard, there are essential texts for parents who want effective and enriching parenting. They stand out among them:

  • ‘Eat, love, suck’, by Carlos González
  • ‘The child’s brain explained to parents’, by Álvaro Bilbao
  • ‘Hyperchildren: Perfect children or hypochildren?’, by Eva Millet
  • ‘Educating in wonder’, by Catherine L’Ecuyer
  • ‘The little dictator: when parents are the victims, from the spoiled child to the aggressive adolescent’, by Javier Urra
  • ‘How to talk so that children listen. And how to listen so that children talk’, by Faber and Mazlish
  • ‘It makes me crazy: When they don’t eat the way we want them to eat’, by Julio Basulto
  • ‘Sleeping without tears: letting him cry is not the solution’, by Rosa Jové Montañola

These books provide essential tools for parenting based on love and understanding, parallels that extend to the realm of effective leadership.

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