The women of Spanish pop rock: protagonists of a musical explosion | Music

The women of Spanish pop rock: protagonists of a musical explosion | Music
The women of Spanish pop rock: protagonists of a musical explosion | Music

Pop rock music in Spain is experiencing a very sweet moment. After long periods in which pop took over the radio, the urban genre of nightclubs and the charts of streaming platforms, pop rock takes over at the most important music festivals in the country.

And we cannot talk about this revolution without highlighting the preponderant role of women in this genre. In recent years, a new wave of female artists has emerged with force, providing freshness, energy and a distinctive voice and point of view that is conquering both the public that settles under the stages wanting to give everything and shout from the rooftops as well as the critics, prepared to study all the details hidden behind the cutting-edge works of Spanish pop rock.

Being aware of this small great revolution that, despite not occurring in all areas and not having the visibility it deserves, we decided to give it a space on the LOS40 website so that female talent can go even further. Because the truth is that if we take into account which are the 100 most listened to artists in Spain according to Spotify, we will not obtain a very balanced result, since only 21 women manage to sneak into that list, Taylor Swift being the one who remains in the most high, settling for 12, followed by Karol G in 14 and Lola Indigo in 20.

Despite these somewhat terrifying and somewhat heterogeneous data, we maintain the premise that female pop rock in our country is in a good moment, as Mery Bas, from Nebulossa, would say. And that is why, below, we explore some of the names that we like the most in this scene. For this we have chosen three solo profiles, three duos and three groups that are leaving an indelible mark on the Spanish musical scene, enriching it and making it more than clear that there is plenty of female talent.

Let’s start with the duos


This duo that is located halfway between Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Alcorcón has managed to earn a special place in the pop rock scene with its fresh sound, sincere lyrics and a most entertaining and fun live performance. Pipiolas, composed by Adriana and Paula, fuses influences from indie, rock and pop, creating catchy songs that are difficult to get out of your head. His concerts are a explosion of energy and complicitywhere the chemistry between the two in line with their audience becomes the fundamental piece of this puzzle.

Pipiolas – Baby


Lisasinson is a Valencian group that has burst onto the scene with their mix of punk, pop and rock. This female group that came out of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia has managed to capture the attention of a young audience with its direct lyrics, a carefree attitude and a vintage visual aesthetic which is already part of his personal seal. Songs like Barakaldo and Jam They stand out for their authenticity and for being very good bets for live performances, making them one of the most promising names in current Spanish pop rock.


Formerly known as Deers, which we now know as Hinds, are one of the most international bands in our pop rock catalog. The Madrid band led by Carlotta Cosials and Ana Perrote, has conquered both national and international stages with their garage rock style. With a discography that combines rawness, infectious melodies and relatable lyrics, Hinds has established himself as a Referrer of female pop rock, proving that women can lead and succeed in a genre traditionally dominated by men.

Hinds – In Shape

We continue on our own

Jordana B.

If something stands out Jordana B. is that she is an artist who has managed to make her mark with versatility and an ability to merge different genres within pop rock in an exceptional way. With influences ranging from folk to alternative rock, Jordana B. has released songs that have managed to penetrate due to their lyrical depth and musical richness. In fact, we dare to say that her career is fully on the rise and she is positioned as one of the most interesting soloists on the current scene.

Startle Girl

The one who was a contestant on Operación Triunfo in 2020 and also known as Maialen Gurbindo, has captivated many for get out of the norm among his editing colleagues. In this way, the artist went from being a product out of television to forging her own identity with a unique style and an almost supernatural ability to transmit emotions through her music, making freedom and pride (in the good sense) her best weapons. Her charisma, which makes you connect personally, and her introspective compositionswhich make you connect musically, make Chica Sobresalto a diamond in the rough in Spanish music.

Startle Girl – The Star


In a very short time Samurai has become a real rising star, still one of the youngest voices on this scene. With a timbre that is already distinctive and a style that mixes the purest pop with the most innovative rock, Samuraï has managed to conquer critics and the public in equal parts with her energy, honesty and talent. Her lyrics, which range from typical love themes to self-explorationare his greatest strengths and thanks to this he has been able to connect directly with the hearts of his listeners.

We finish with the groups


shego It is a band that has managed to stand out for its powerful sound, the most shameless lyrics and its clearly feminist message. With influences ranging from punk to alternative rock, this band has not stopped releasing songs loaded with a lot of powerbut if we talk about live… his presence on stage is overwhelming, and his music reflects a most interesting mix of rage and hope.

shego – LUCKY

The Petunias

This trio that has known how to combine rock with a very particular aesthetic and message calls itself The Petunias. His songs, which usually deal with themes ranging from empowerment and resistance to the love that hurts the most, resonate with a characteristic sound that immediately transports us to a distant dimension. With a worked and forceful proposal and lyrics that leave no one indifferent, Las Petunias have established themselves as one of the most striking proposals of female pop rock that they are already taking to a lot of festivals and cozy venues throughout the country.


Perhaps it is a bit typical to talk about Gins when we refer to the musical genre we are talking about today, but the thing is that There is no Gin without pop rock and there is no pop rock without Gin. This group is, without a doubt, one of the ones that is making the most noise in the Spanish music scene in general. Their songs stop being just songs and become anthems, just as they have become icons and the most acclaimed names in every festival they visit.

GINEBRAS – Billie Max (Video Lyric)

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