Christian Nodal is heard online for celebrating Father’s Day: “Celebrating from afar”

Christian Nodal is heard online for celebrating Father’s Day: “Celebrating from afar”
Christian Nodal is heard online for celebrating Father’s Day: “Celebrating from afar”

Christian Nodal and his daughter, the result of the almost two-year relationship he had with the rapper Cazzu. (@speedynodal, Instagram).

In the midst of the media scandal that her romance with Angela Aguilar, Christian Nodal shared an emotional message on social networks to celebrate Father’s Day, a publication that made him the target of harsh criticism on X, especially from fans of his ex-partner, the rapper cazzu.

At the beginning of May, Christian Nodal and Julieta Emilia Cazzuchelli, better known as Cazzu, issued two messages to make public their separation, which, they assured, was on good terms. Their romance came to an end seven months after the birth of her daughter, Inti.

A month later, the separation took on overtones of a media scandal when the man from Sonora made public his courtship with the singer Ángela Aguilar, a relationship that they paused for several years, according to statements made for the magazine Hello! USES.

The short time between one relationship and another encouraged suspicions of possible interference by Ángela Aguilar, versions that were denied by the Sonoran himself in a video. However, his growing unpopularity worked against him and in the following days testimonies from journalists and fans emerged that reinforced the version that the performers got married during a trip to Rome that took place days before the Mexican artist announced their separation.

Under this context, Christian Nodal became an unpopular character on social networks, where morbidly, dozens of users wondered if the singer-songwriter would dare to celebrate the Father’s dayon Sunday, June 16.

To the surprise of many, Christian Nodal shared a collage with photographs of him and his daughter, which until a month and a half ago were on his social networks. “My little sun always shining. “You gave me the greatest pride in this world, which is to be your father.”, reads the Instagram story. In this format, comments are not visible; However, users of said social network took a screenshot to replicate it on X, where the reaction was different.

Like them, media like the morning Today They resumed publication. It was precisely in a tweet from the Televisa morning newscast, where tweeters attacked the author of “Botella after Botella”:

  • “If he says so. That’s how I would have congratulated Cazzu on Mother’s Day, but she didn’t deserve congratulations and now she has to play the role of both of them because the man doesn’t have time to hang out with his girlfriend.”
  • “Written with Angela on the side, great!”
  • “Hypocrisy”
  • “Shameless”
  • “What a shameless photo. She has teased her daughter since before she was born. “Celebrate yourself”

Six days after remaining the main topic of conversation on social networks, Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar see from afar the controversy that divides social network X. The couple is traveling through South America. On June 14 they landed in Ecuador, where the Sonoran gave a concert.

Ángela Aguilar and Cristian Nodal are traveling through South America. (Special)
Ángela Aguilar and Cristian Nodal are traveling through South America. (Special)
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