Playwright María Cárdenas dies | Present

Playwright María Cárdenas dies | Present
Playwright María Cárdenas dies | Present

The Valencian playwright María Càrdenas, co-founder of the company La Teta Calva, died this morning at the age of 44.

Her partner in the stage group, monotony, only dreams, trips, landscapes, corners, songs, hugs and laughter. Live every moment as she did, always on the border of tomorrow And repeat what she said over and over again; “, he says.

The Institut Valencià de Cultura (IVC) has expressed its condolences to family, friends and professional colleagues of the co-founder of Teta Calva, “a great professional, playwright and creative who today leaves a big gap.”

From A Escena Valencia they send “a huge hug to Xavo Giménez and his family, and to the entire family of the La Teta Calva company.” “A hug and kisses to heaven María Cárdenas, a great creative, playwright, stage director, photographer, person who loves and is passionate about theater. Thank you for your great willpower, courage and affection,” they emphasize.

Actors i Actrius Professionals Valencians (AAPV) has also expressed its pain for the loss of the author: “We are very sorry for the loss of our beloved María Cárdenas, an example of struggle and courage.”

And from the Comitè Escèniques they have highlighted her figure as “a great playwright, scenic creative and passionate about theatre.” “Thank you for so much,” they say.

Among the pieces by the playwright, photographer and publicist María Cárdenas are ‘Adiós Still’, Ciutat de Alcoi Award; or ‘Sindrohomo’, Max Award for best Newcomer authorship 2016 and the award for best Theatrical Text at the Premis de les Arts Escèniques Valencianes 2018.

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