Lidl responds harshly to the organization that accuses it of selling contaminated chicken

Lidl responds harshly to the organization that accuses it of selling contaminated chicken
Lidl responds harshly to the organization that accuses it of selling contaminated chicken

An analysis by the Animal Welfare Observatory (OBA) concludes that 71% of chicken samples from the Lidl supermarket chain are contaminated, after analyzing trays from establishments in Spain, Germany, Italy, Poland and Great Britain.

A total of 17 of the 24 Spanish samples, acquired in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid, were contaminated. The products were chicken hind quarter, chicken breast, chicken hams, split tipless chicken wings and chicken carcass.

Lidl, in response to this study, has sent a statement to, in which it ensures that “guaranteeing the quality of our products is a priority for Lidl, extending it to the processes themselves to guarantee that the products maintain the best conditions from the supplier to the end customer.”

The chain points out that it carries out “exhaustive quality controls throughout the entire supply chain through independent and accredited organizations. In fact, such is our priority that our purchasing policy (including that of meat products) establishes more limits stricter than the legal requirements themselves”.

Thus, he considers that “the bacteria that fresh chicken meat may contain are not a consequence of the breeding method of our suppliers in particular, but rather represent a general challenge for the entire poultry meat industry. Furthermore, in all our packaging we always “We transparently specify that the product must be fully cooked before consumption and that it is necessary to comply with hygiene standards during the process.”

Lidl adds that all its suppliers have internationally recognized certification endorsements, such as the International Food Standard (IFS) or the British Retail Consortium (BRC), which certify the highest quality standards, and especially food safety. In addition, “both authorities and health services also carry out controls on all our suppliers and the poultry meat that we sell in our stores,” he emphasizes.

Regarding the study by the Animal Welfare Observatory, Lidl assures that “it is not the first time that this organization has launched an accusation through the media and without previously verifying its information with us.” “In fact, their last two complaints turned out to be false and on this occasion, we have certificates of analysis – carried out by Lidl and by our suppliers through accredited laboratories – that categorically contradict the information in their study.”

The supermarket chain points out that this analysis is part of a campaign that “aims to discredit the image of our company with false and/or unverified information. And even more so taking into account that the articles supposedly analyzed in this study are produced by suppliers that supply chicken meat to a large majority of Spanish distribution chains.

Lidl assures that it reserves the right to take legal action against this association to defend its honor and reputation. “For some time now, this entity has maintained a crusade against Lidl with the sole objective of pressuring us to be part of the European Chicken Commitment (ECC). As a leading company in animal welfare, both in Spain and in Europe, we support all initiatives in favor of said cause, including the objectives defended by the ECC – which we share and on which we are already working – although, we can only commit to those measures that we are sure of being able to realistically fulfill both in the form and in the deadlines in each of the markets,” he adds.

The company points out that “in order to fully comply with the requirements of the European Chicken Commitment by 2026, a broad alliance of the entire chain is needed, between the distribution sector, producers, the poultry industry and NGOs, among others. This has been conveyed from the Lidl group to the international representatives of the European Chicken Commitment (Open Wing Alliance) with whom several conversations have been held throughout these months.”

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