What is Yellow Day and when is it celebrated?

He Yellow Day It is known as the happiest day of the year, a date where, regardless of the events that affect us personally, we will have more likely to be in a good mood and, therefore, have a good day.

At least that’s how it is considered by a group of experts who, combining different psychological and meteorological factors, have found the mathematical formula that defines that June 20 would be the happiest daycontrary to the known Blue Monday which is known as the saddest day of the year.

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The first thing we may ask ourselves is what general elements determine whether a day is more or less happy.

As we tell you in this article on our website dedicated to clarifying the origin of the Blue Mondayit was the psychologist Cliff Arnall who created the concept of the saddest day a couple of decades ago, and determined its exact date based on some factors that have to do with weather conditions, the economic situation, or leisure and rest time.

The objective was for this concept to be used in an advertising campaign, and we cannot deny that, regardless of the results it had, the term worked very well: is still widely used today.

It was this same psychologist who, some time later, would decide to expand the concept to look for the day of the year most loaded with positive factors that induce an emotional state characterized by happiness. To do this, he considered the following variables:

  • A favorable climate, which is neither cold nor too hot
  • Longer days, with more hours of sunlight
  • The perception of freedom and quality of life

These factors are not random. According to experts, the average outdoor temperature that best adapts to the human body It is located between 20 and 21ºC. Furthermore, sunlight is essential for the functioning of our body, since it allows us, among other things, to regulate the production of hormones such as serotonin, melatonin and cortisol, which They affect our sleep, hunger and mood routines.

According to this data, the appropriate month to look for the happiest day of the year would be June, which in Spain It has average temperatures of 21.1ºC and a still refreshing atmosphere outside the strongest hours of the Sun. Until the arrival of the summer solstice, in June we also find the longest days of the year.

Happiness laboratory ingredientsHappiness laboratory ingredients

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Other, somewhat more subjective reasons have to do with the association we make with the arrival of summer, which for many may include a vacation period, the arrival of extra pay, intensive work days that allow us more time to rest, or simply greater possibilities of spending time doing activities outside. All this also influences the significant improvement of our mood.

As for the specific choice of June 20, it is a matter of statistics: the equation defines that, taking all these factors into account, the happiest day of the year would be located in the third week of June.

yellow, the color of happiness

In the same way that the weather is closely related to our mood, color psychology indicates that the perception of different tones also It can have a similar effect on our emotions.

According to this field of study, The color yellow symbolizes positivity, joy, energy, and also creativity and intelligence, or strength and power. It may be because of its intensity and luminosity, which remind us almost directly of sunlight and makes us feel more vital and optimistic.

In any case, taking all this into account, it is not surprising that the term was chosen Yellow Day to define the happiest day of the year.

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