Trump’s immigration policy ideologist calls Biden’s order a “colossal amnesty”

Trump’s immigration policy ideologist calls Biden’s order a “colossal amnesty”
Trump’s immigration policy ideologist calls Biden’s order a “colossal amnesty”

Washington, June 18 (EFE).- Stephen Miller, the ideologue of immigration policy during the presidency of Donald Trump, criticized this Tuesday the White House order to regularize around half a million undocumented people married to Americans or children of families with an undocumented spouse.

“This is a colossal amnesty and a resounding attack on American democracy in the form of an imperial edict,” said Miller, former White House advisor during Trump’s term (2017-2021) and architect of controversial orders such as the veto against Muslims. or his attempts to end immigration relief for undocumented children who grew up in the United States, known as DACA.

“Biden has issued one of the largest executive amnesties in American history in the midst of a deadly border invasion and surrendered to illegal aliens who have been accepted into the country by Biden despite being accused of the most despicable murders of children and mothers and violations,” he said.

The former advisor charged with great vehemence against the regularization announced this Tuesday by Biden by accusing undocumented immigrants, all of them with deep roots in the country, of taking advantage of “diploma factories that vomit useless degrees to create citizens” and create “voters to from criminal migrants” who take advantage of social programs.

Miller also attacked something that underlies much of the ultraconservative and racist criticism of immigration: “Chain migration, in which the entire extended family network of the illegal alien becomes full citizens with voting rights.”

Through his organization America First Legal, Miller has promised to file a lawsuit challenging the executive order filed today.

The Trump campaign responded in a similar tone to the announced regularization and described it as “mass amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegals who (Biden) knows will ultimately vote for him and the Open Borders Democratic Party.”

“The mass amnesty plan will undoubtedly lead to an increase in immigrant crime, cost taxpayers millions of dollars they cannot afford, collapse public services, steal from the Social Security system and our seniors’ Medicare benefits to finance benefits to illegals,” said spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt.

Trump, who has promised to undertake mass deportation if he comes to power in January 2025, has leaned on Miller and it is widely accepted that the former adviser will return to the White House if he wins the November elections, according to sources consulted by CNN at the end from last year. EFE


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