Tremor of magnitude 4.4 shook the Moquegua region this morning | News

Tremor of magnitude 4.4 shook the Moquegua region this morning | News
Tremor of magnitude 4.4 shook the Moquegua region this morning | News

The town of Torata, in Moquegua, was shaken this morning by a 4.4 magnitude earthquake, the IGP reported.

The Moquegua region was shaken this morning by a magnitude 4.4 earthquake, with a depth of 110 kilometers, with no personal or material damage reported, reported the National Seismological Center of the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP).

He telluric movement It occurred at 10:47 a.m. and its epicenter was located 11 kilometers west of the town of Torata, district of the same name, province of Mariscal Nieto.

According to the IGP, the seismic event was perceived with an intensity II-III in Tarata; However, local Civil Defense authorities have not reported, so far, any personal or material damage.

The National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci) recommends that in the event of an earthquake, remain calm and avoid panic. It is also necessary to develop a family evacuation plan and verify the exit routes.

Peru is located in the area called the Pacific Ring of Fire, where approximately 85% of global seismic activity is recorded.

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Published: 6/18/2024

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