This was Kim Jong-un’s warm welcome to Vladimir Putin on his historic visit to North Korea | International

This was Kim Jong-un’s warm welcome to Vladimir Putin on his historic visit to North Korea | International
This was Kim Jong-un’s warm welcome to Vladimir Putin on his historic visit to North Korea | International

In a fact cataloged as historicalthe president of Russia, Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea this Tuesday, where he will meet with the leader of the North Korean communist regime, Kim Jong-un, in his first state visit to this country since 2000..

The presidential plane landed at Sunan International Airport, where the head of the Kremlin was personally received by his North Korean counterpart, with whom he had met last September on Russian territory.

Dressed in rigorous black, Kim waited patiently for Putin near the foot of the aircraft’s steps.

In a video shared by the Kremlin, a red carpet with various flowers on its sides, where after both leaders met face to face, They melted into a warm and affectionate hug..

Besides, A woman dressed in traditional Korean clothing presented Putin with a bouquet of red flowers.

Immediately afterwards, Kim and Putin advanced on the red carpet and inspected an honor guard made up of troops from the three North Korean armies, with the Russian president greeting some of those present.

The leaders chatted for a few minutes before entering the official car.a Russian Aurus, which Putin invited his North Korean colleague to board.

Later, the vehicle of the official delegation withdrew towards Pyongyang escorted by motorized police.

“We salute Comrade Vladimir Putin”

“We warmly greet the President of the Russian Federation, Comrade Vladimir Putin.”were some of the phrases read on the signs at the airport, also decorated with Russian flags and portraits of the Kremlin leader.

Putin is staying tonight in the luxurious Kumsusan Guest Palace, built in 2019 and which housed the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, when he visited North Korea five years ago -5 years ago.

Kim and Putin expected to preside over major military parade in Pyongyang on Wednesdaysince images captured by satellite show the assembly of temporary structures in Kim Il-sung Square, the epicenter of all the parades in the North Korean capital.

The strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea

It should be remembered that hours before traveling to the North Korean capital, Putin gave the green light to the draft strategic partnership treaty with North Korea, which he hopes to sign with his North Korean counterpart.

Putin’s advisor on international policy, Yuri Ushakov, announced that the new treaty will replace those signed between Moscow and Pyongyang in 1961, 2000 and 2001.

This document will take into account “all the universal principles of international law, will not have any confrontational character, will not be directed against any country and will be aimed at guaranteeing greater stability in the Northeast Asia region,” said the presidential advisor.

Likewise, another of the objectives of the trip is the creation of a “commercial and reciprocal payment system” outside the West, according to what the Russian president himself said in an article published by the North Korean newspaper Rodong.

In the text, Putin assures that “countries that do not accept this position and apply independent policies face increasingly harsh external pressure.”

Along with this, he maintains that Moscow and Pyongyang, through the creation of this independent payment network that seeks to circumvent sanctioning mechanisms, aim to “make international relations more democratic and flexible.”

Concern in the West over relations between Russia and North Korea

In this context, the United States expressed its concern on Monday not so much about the visit, but rather about the “deepening of relations” between Moscow and Pyongyang.

According to South Korea and Western powers, Pyongyang has transferred to Moscow thousands of containers with weapons – which would contain millions of projectiles for artillery pieces and missile launchers – that the Russian army has used on the battlefield in Ukraine.

In exchange, it is estimated that Moscow advised the North Korean regime to launch spy satellites, actions that constitute a violation of UN sanctions against Pyongyang.

The first time Putin traveled to North Korea as president was in July 2000, that is, almost 24 years ago. This, when Kim Jong-il, father of the current North Korean leader, who died in 2011, ruled.

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