The search for Loan, live: after the reconstruction of the event with the minors who accompanied the missing child, the neighbors march on July 9

The search for Loan, live: after the reconstruction of the event with the minors who accompanied the missing child, the neighbors march on July 9
The search for Loan, live: after the reconstruction of the event with the minors who accompanied the missing child, the neighbors march on July 9

Fracture in the Loan family: the father and mother have different lawyers

The search continues for Loan Danilo Peña, the missing boy in Corrientes, while uncertainty and desperation grow in his immediate environment. At the same time, Internal divisions began in the minor’s family. The lawyer for those detained in the Loan case confirmed that the complaint has different representations.

“One of the reasons for the separation would be that Loan’s mother spoke to the media when she left the Prosecutor’s Office,” a source in the case told Infobae, which caused the reaction of the former lawyer. After this, her mother decided to have other legal representation, with two lawyers from Goya.

“This morning, my partner and I took charge of the complaint on behalf of Loan’s mother,” the lawyer confirmed to this medium. Fabian Lucero. “He is from a neighboring town, but he knows the area a lot, and especially the rural area,” he highlighted. Nestor LuqueYour partner.

For its part, José Peña is represented by Roberto Méndezwho remained in the area where Loan disappeared for much of the day making statements to the press.

Lidia, Loan’s aunt: “I have a feeling he is alive”

Lidia, sister of Loan’s mother, participated this afternoon in a march in 9 de Julio, the town where the minor lives, demanding his appearance and faster action by Justice.

“We are on the sixth day. I can’t say that she was lost, For me they took it. “They don’t find anything, so the baby is not there,” the woman considered in dialogue with TN.

Furthermore, he questioned the actions of prosecutor Juan Carlos Romero: “I spoke to the prosecutor on the third day and he told me that he was lost, disoriented.. How can the prosecutor tell me that?”

“I have a feeling that my nephew is alive, move quickly.”he concluded.

March for the appearance of Loan

Loan’s father’s lawyer said that the other minors, during the reconstruction, “gave details about the adults.”

Roberto Méndez, lawyer for Loan’s fatherspoke at a press conference after the other minors who participated in the walk to look for oranges carried out the reconstruction of the events prior to the disappearance of the 5-year-old boy.

“All the children were there, they commented on how it was step by step. The reconstruction of the events was carried out only with the children. They were asked questions, they showed the places, they told step by step how they were playing and where they went,” she said.

The lawyer also confided that he used an application to measure the distance between Loan’s grandmother’s house and the place where the group stopped to pick fruit. According to Mendez, It is about 576 meters and what it took to get back to the starting point was 7 minutes and 36 seconds..

“What they said is coherent. They gave details about the adults and told things that I will not reveal. They were more specific as to what each one did and where each one was,” she indicated.

The lawyer for the detainees: “I don’t think it was lost”

Jorge Monttilawyer for the three arrested for Loan’s disappearance, in the middle of a press conference in which he provided some details of his defense, surprised by offering his hypothesis regarding the whereabouts of the child: “I don’t think he was lost.”

“I don’t do Futurology. This is a province that has had other causes of this kind and is very risky. What I don’t believe is that it has been lost”, he indicated.

They resume the reconstruction of the event

After the first failed attempt, Justice resumes reconstruction of the last moments before Loan’s disappearance. In a first step, it will be the minors who accompanied him who will tour the place alongside judicial and police officials, as well as psychologists.

Then it will be the turn of the three defendants, who will give their version of what happened last Thursday. As confirmed by Jorge Montti, the detainees’ lawyer, that will not happen this Wednesday. Furthermore, he denied that his clients had gone to the place earlier, after reports indicating that they had been transferred to carry out a reconstruction that ultimately did not take place.

The search continues to try to find Loan

This Wednesday the activities of search and searches, with the collaboration of more work elements. According to the provincial government, dogs from the Chaco Police and the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service, as well as drones from the Misiones Police, joined the search for Loan. Also, as it has been doing since day one, the provincial government helicopter collaborates.

With specialized personnel, a “combing” of all the mountains and most inhospitable areas of the rugged geography began in the area closest to the point where the child was last seen last Thursday.

Infantry, Cavalry police, and the Canes division work in the searches. From the first moment, drones sent from the Police Headquarters were used. Personnel from the Argentine Army, the Argentine Federal Police, the National Gendarmerie and the Argentine Naval Prefecture also participate.

In addition, the collaboration of Civil Defense, Public Health and members of the Police Firefighters and Volunteers from across the province is highlighted.

Dogs from the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service joined the search for Loan

He Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service contributed three dogs -and his instructor guides- from the Directorate of Cynotechnics, dependent on the General Directorate of Security of the SPB to collaborate in the search for Loan.

These are two Belgian sheepdogs, Izel and Cairo; and a dog of the Dragthaar breed, Runa, who are already in the search area at the disposal of those in charge of the operation. They are specialists in traces and specific search.

The dogs moved to Corrientes together with Chief Warden Gustavo Álvarez, Chief Petty Officer Miguel Torres and Sergeant Alejandro Migielovski in an official vehicle and since this morning they joined the search to find Loan.

They ask that two other adults be investigated for Loan’s disappearance

The defense of two of those detained for Loan’s disappearance, Daniel Ramírez and Mónica Millapi, made a presentation demanding that Laudelina Peña and Camila Gómez also be investigated, since the defendants claim that they were part of the group that went out to look for oranges and He returned without the minor.

However, it is proven by all the other witnesses that both Peña and Gómez, although they went out with that group, quickly returned to Loan’s grandmother’s house, long before trace of the little boy was lost.

A new prosecutor joined the investigation

The Attorney General’s Office of the Judicial Branch of Corrientes reported this Wednesday that Prosecutor Guillermo Barry joined the investigation for the disappearance of Loan, in which he will collaborate with someone who already performed that function as Goya’s prosecutor, Juan Carlos Castillo.

They entered to carry out the reconstruction with the detainees and five minutes later they left again.

Those detained for Loan’s disappearance were taken to the sector where they lost the minor to reconstruct the events, but, in a confusing situation, The cell phone that took them to the place only stayed for five minutes and then started on the way back..

Explanations of what happened from the Justice Department are awaited.

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