Report reveals that Neuquén will concentrate 76% of gas investments in Argentina until 2024

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, visited the wells that the oil company YPF owns in the unconventional megafield of Dead cow.

Accompanied by the president of YPFHoracio Marín, and the governor of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa, They toured several facilities near Añelo.

Figueroa highlighted the importance of Dead cow in the future of the country and the opportunity to become net energy exporters through the development of the LNG.

Caputo, For his part, he expressed his astonishment on social networks.

The minister also highlighted the investment of US$700 million what will you do Transportadora Gas del Sur (TGS) to increase gas production.

It is estimated that this year, Neuquén will receive the largest amount of oil investments in its history, reaching 8,629 million dollars according to the plans presented to the Secretary of Energy of the Nation.

According to a report by the consulting firm Aleph Energy, This figure represents an increase of 3.8% compared to the previous year, where the highest investment was recorded so far, with 8,313 million dollars.

It is projected that in 2024, the province of Neuquén will concentrate the 76% of investments in gas exploration and production in Argentina, increasing five points compared to last year. In second place is Chubut with the 10% (1,088 million).

At the national level, investments are expected to reach 11,361 million dollars, a decrease compared to 11.76 billion the previous year. Much of this reduction is due to the decision of YPF to withdraw from approximately 30 conventional areas in Neuquén, Mendoza, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, which are being sold to focus on Dead cow.

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